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瑞士博浩特银行(Bonhote Bank):2023年金融市场预期走势向好


瑞士博浩特银行(Bonhote Bank):2023年金融市场预期走势向好




近日,雷梭勒陪同我们一位家族客户参访了位于瑞士的博浩特银行(Bonhote Bank)。参访过程中,该行的一位高管简要回顾了该客户的投资组合在2022年的业绩表现,并分享了2023年的投资策略。预计2023年股市将出现反弹,而债市则较为低迷。然而,投资者应继续持审慎态度,并对市场环境和全球事件的变化保持关注。





2022年是自1871年以来股票和债券市场表现最差的一年,无论是哪种资产类别,均未能成为投资的避风港。” 对于该家族投资组合的不良业绩,这位高管在解释时展示了如下的图表,图中每个点代表过去每一年的金融业绩,2022年在左下象限跌至谷底,它标志着这一年的股票和债券业绩都在急剧下跌。



















市场类 37%

医疗卫生类 20%

消费类 16%

科技类 13%

金融类 10%

周期型 4%






Original English Text


Positive Trajectory in 2023 is Expected for the Financial Market




During a recent visit to Bonhote Bank, an exetutive from the bank gave us a recap of the performance of one of our families’ portfolio in 2022 and shared with us their investment strategy in 2023. A bounce back is expected for the equity market while the bond will be more subdued. However, investors should remain cautious and stay attuned to changes in market conditions and global events.


The views expressed in this article only represents the opinions of Bonhote Bank, and are not intended as investment advice or in consideration of any specific individuals financial situation or potential investors demands.


Last week, La Soleilles team accompanied a client family to the Bonhote Bank for their annual portfolio review.One of the executives from the bank received us.


2022 was the worst year for stock and bond marketcombined since 1871. Unfortunately, there was nowhere to hide in the different asset classes last year.” While explaining the negative performance of the familys portfolio, the bank executive showed a graphic as above where each dot represented a years financial perfomance in the history, 2022 fell bottom in the left lower quadrant, it signifies both a steep decrease in stock and bond performance of the year.


Nominal return for US stocks and bonds from 1871-2022

Source: Financial Times


Accordingly we adjusted the investment strategy in the middle of the year, the bank executive then explained why 40% of the asset had to be allocated in cash. As soon as we saw the drastic drop in stock market, we reacted.” 

At the year-end standing, the portfolio read as:

Every single asset class was down significantly in 2022; global rising inflation and interest rates, the Russia-Ukrain war in Europe, and the massive layoffs from big techs towards the end of year, were to blame for the toughest decline.

Good news is since thebeginning of 2023, weve been noticing a nice bounce back.” The family portfolio has been seeing a 3.4% increase as of mid February 2023, largely due to the rebound in the stock market. the executive expressed his confidence in the 2023 financial market performance, while complimented the recent boarder opening from China.

For the equity market, a bounce back is expected and it will remain strong, supported by a global economic recovery, which obviously included Chinas recent boarder opening. Companies are expected to benefit from the rebound in consumer spending and business activity, and this should drive earnings growth and support higher stock prices.

For the bond market, it is expected to be more subdued. But in conclusion, the financial market is likely to continue their positive trajectory in 2023.

For the ongoing potfolio,the executive suggested the family hold the same sector allocation in terms of equities, to which La Soleille and the clients were in favor of. To give a bit of idea to our readers, the sectors are spread out in:

Investors should remain cautious and stay attuned to changes in market conditions and global events. The key to successful investing is to remain diversified, stay disciplined, and maintain a long-term investment perspective.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询  

4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育

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