瑞士纳沙泰尔公共交通指南 瑞士的公共交通安全便捷,是值得信赖的优选交通工具。在纳沙泰尔,和瑞士其他地区一样,您可以徒步、骑行、乘坐公共交通或驾车出行,不过私家车并非您在纳沙泰尔生活和工作的必需品。 纳沙泰尔市离日内瓦、苏黎世、伯尔尼和邻壤的法国城市都很近。巴士、火车和邮政巴士线路组成了便捷的交通网络,将纳沙泰尔湖畔沿线的市镇和该州内的其他地区连接在了一起。多种多样的交通组合票和季度交通票供您选择,比如覆盖整个纳沙泰尔州的绿联交通卡(Onde Verte)。 公共交通公司 TransN交通公司旗下的TransN巴士在纳沙泰尔州内穿梭,主要线路覆盖市中心和火车站,每年为280多万名乘客提供服务。 Carpostal交通公司是瑞士邮政旗下的一家巴士公司,其巴士线路以长途为主,例如登山巴士和城际巴士。 瑞士联邦铁路公司(SBB-CFF,德语名称为Schweizerische Bundesbahnen,法语名称为Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses)是瑞士主要的轨道交通公司。 绿联(Onde Verte)是七家交通公司的联合组织,其交通网络覆盖了纳沙泰尔州、汝拉州部分地区和伯尔尼汝拉地区,绿联交通卡在其适用地区统一定价。您能够在绿联区域内的任何瑞士联邦铁路柜台购票,也可通过Gare广场和Pury广场的自助购票机购买绿联车票。 纳沙泰尔湖上的轮渡既是旅游观光的工具,也是日常通勤的工具。Navigation有限责任公司在纳沙泰尔、穆尔藤和比尔的湖区提供游览线路和短程线路。 公交卡和基本注意事项 在纳沙泰尔,您可以购买涵盖市内所有的公共交通方式的月票、年票,您也可以根据家庭或个人需求购买其他类型的票,比如半价车票、单程票或多站旅行票。 具体票价依据您的交通范围而定,您可以选择适用于所有区域的通票,也可以根据目的地选择交通范围,但是您必须在乘坐交通工具前购票,六岁以下儿童享受免票优惠。 如果您携爱犬出行,请注意体型超过30厘米高的大型犬需要购买半价二等票(也可购买日票或宠物通票)。装在笼子或背包里的小型犬可以免费随主人乘坐公共交通。 如果您需要携带自行车乘坐公共交通,您将需要额外购买单车票,折叠单车可作为手提行李免费携带。绝大部分的瑞士联邦铁路、民营铁路和邮政巴士均允许乘客携带自行车。 票价 纳沙泰尔市区及市郊基本在10区和11区的交通范围内(见下图),下文中我们将为您介绍纳沙泰尔不同交通区域范围内的票价,交通票60分钟内有效,有效时间内您可以乘坐公共交通。 您可以使用有效时间内的单人票随意乘坐公共交通,您可在自助购票机、售票处人工柜台、指定线路的售票处和网上购买单人票。您购票时可以选择单人票的使用范围,纳沙泰尔市区内的单人票票价为4.20瑞郎。 单程短途票仅适用于三站以内的公共交通范围,纳沙泰尔市区内的短途票票价为2.30瑞郎。 24小时通票的票价和时效根据您选择的适用区域范围而定,您可在自助售票机、售票处人工柜台购票,也可通过网站或手机软件购票,还可以在某些线路的司机处购票。纳沙泰尔市区内的24小时通票票价为12.60瑞郎。 购票方案 为了帮助您享受纳沙泰尔市便利的公共交通,我们提出两种购票方案。这两种购票方案包含了月票和年票方案,使用范围涵盖了从纳沙泰尔火车站到Colombiers公交站的公共交通。 1. 月票/年票方案成年人月票票价为73瑞郎,成年人年票票价为657瑞郎,纳沙泰尔全市通用。儿童月票票价为55瑞郎,儿童年票票价为495瑞郎,纳沙泰尔全市通用。 2. 半价票方案您也可购买通用的年度半价卡,在您每次购票时勾选半价票,系统会自动显示半价票价。半价卡价格为125瑞郎。 市区主要公交线路 我们为您在文末列出了在纳沙泰尔生活所需的主要公共交通线路。您可以在巴士站看到下一班巴士的抵达时间,也可在自助购票机上看到交通预估时刻表。 我们建议您使用TransN的手机软件或网站,您可在上面查询线路和交通时刻表,您也可以直接在这些平台上选择出行方案并购票。 纳沙泰尔火车站到Pury广场(市中心):开往Pury广场的109号、107号、421号、101号巴士 Pury广场(市中心)到La Maladiere(购物中心&露天体育场):开往纳沙泰尔游泳馆或开往Marin-Epagnier火车站的121号和101号巴士 Pury广场(市中心)到Auvernier:开往Boudry Littorail的215号巴士 Auvernier到纳沙泰尔火车站:开往纳沙泰尔的211号巴士 以上提到地点已在下图用红圈标注: 备注:本篇为瑞士生活指南系列第11期。 Original English Text Public transport in Neuchâtel Public transportation in Switzerland is excellent, reliable, safe, and easy to use. Like the rest of Switzerland, Neuchâtel is easy to get around by foot, bicycle, public transportation or car, but it is possible to live and work in Neuchâtel without a car. Geneva, Zurich, Bern and neighboring France are all within easy reach of the city Neuchâtel. A combination of buses, trains and postbuses exist in these communes along Lake Neuchâtel’s shoreline, linking the city to the rest of the canton. Various ticketing options and season tickets exist, such as the Onde verte, which covers the whole canton. Companies TransN is the company that manages the TransN buses network serving the canton of Neuchâtel. These buses are mainly seen in the city center and around the train station. The company transports almost 28 million passengers a year. Carpostal is a public bus company and a subsidiary of the Swiss Post. These generally take care of longer rides such as up the mountains or long routes throughout the city. SBB-CFF (Schweizerische Bundesbahnen - Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses) is Switzerlands leading railway company. Onde Verte is an association where seven transport companies in the Canton of Neuchâtel, parts of the Canton of Jura and the Bernese Jura are combined under the Onde Verte fare network. The same fare system applies for all travelcards across the entire Onde Verte network. Tickets can be purchased at any SBB-CFF ticket counter in the network area or at ticket machines in the main stations of Place de la Gare and Place Pury. Boats on Lake Neuchâtel are used for both tourism and commuting. Navigation Ltd offer cruises and excursions on the three regional lakes which are Neuchâtel, Murten/Morat and Biel/Bienne. Travel passes and basic tips Monthly and yearly travel passes are available and allow unlimited use of all public transport in Neuchâtel. Several other available travel passes, including the Half-Fare pass, and many more are useful for both families and individuals. There are also standard tickets for single rides or multiple stop journeys. Pricings are determined by zones; your pass may include all zones or only those where you will be passing through depending on your destination. You must purchase your ticket before boarding and children under six years of age travel for free. If you are travelling with a dog, if he is over 30 cm tall you will need to pay second-class half fare for your pet (there are also day cards and passes for dogs). Small dogs can travel for free in a carrier or basket. Travelling with a bicycle requires to buy a supplementary bike ticket. Folded bikes can be stored as hand luggage for free. You can bring your bicycle onto most SBB-CFF trains, private railways and postbuses. Fares Most of Neuchâtel and its outskirts are considered to be in zone 10 and 11. So for these following prices we have chosen the tickets to the respective zones in the area of Neuchâtel. These have a validity of 60 minutes. During this time you may make use of the public transportation. The Individual tickets allow to travel freely within the time limit. These tickets can be obtained at the ticket vending machine, at the ticket offices or on selected conductor lines, as well as via the Internet. An individual ticket for the zones of Neuchâtel has a price of 4.20 CHF. The Short-distance tickets are for single short-distance trips with a maximum stop limit of 3 stops. These tickets have a cost of 2.30 CHF for the zones of Neuchâtel. The 24-hour card can be bought at ticket vending machines, at ticket offices, on the Internet or via mobile applications, as well as, on some lines only, from the driver. The fare and validity period of the ticket depend on the number of zones crossed. For the city of Neuchâtel, this ticket has a price of 12.60 CHF. Subscription plans Both plans allow you to enjoy the benefits of public transportation in all of Neuchatel. From the train station, all the way to the area of Colombiers the fares will be covered by both monthly and yearly propositions mentioned below. 1. General Plan For adults, the monthly subscription has a cost of 73 CHF and the annual a cost of 657 CHF. These prices are for the whole area of Neuchatel. For children, the monthly subscription has a cost of 55 CHF and the annual a cost of 495 CHF. These prices are also for the whole area of Neuchatel. 2. Half fare card The half fare card reduces the price on every ticket you purchase. When selecting your ticket, you may select the ½ fare option and a much reduced price will appear. The subscription has a cost of 125 CHF and it is charged annually. Main routes Here below are some main routes that you will be taking when living in Neuchâtel. The time for the arrival of the buses are always shown at the bus stops. Right over the ticket vending machines you should see a screen with the estimated arrival time of the vehicles. We recommend the use of the TransN smartphone apps or their website. On these you may generate travel itineraries and may check for the timetables. You can also purchase tickets and subscription plans using these platforms. Routes : Neuchâtel Train Station to Place Pury (Centre) : Bus 109,107, 421, 101 heading to “Place Pury” Place Pury (Centre) to La Maladiere (Shopping Centre & Stadium): Bus 121 & 101 heading to “Neuchâtel-Piscines” or “Marin-Epagnier, gare” Place Pury (Centre) to Auvernier : Bus 215 heading to Boudry Littorail Auvernier to Neuchâtel train station: Bus 221 heading to “Neuchâtel” 本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com