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为了让更多人了解瑞士一流的医疗保健服务,1122日,雷梭勒邀请到了其战略合作伙伴瑞士医疗网络集团(Swiss Medical Network)的三位专家做客直播间,在线分享了瑞士妮尚希诊所(Clinique Nescens)提供的独特抗衰老方案。











妮尚希隶属于以专注医疗保健、生活方式、基础设施和豪华酒店闻名的Aevis Victoria集团。诊所提供酒店式环境和VIP服务,同时拥有一支敬业的国际化服务团队,为国际患者提供量身定制的体验、多样化的美食和个性化支持,帮助其在诊所度过轻松愉快的旅程。



体检、La Cure Reset七天焕颜


妮尚希诊所致力于重新定义衰老,结合科技与整体性方案,在以下主要方面实现患者目标:体检及La Cure Reset七天焕颜。




La Cure Reset七天焕颜为期一周,结合医学专业知识、高科技手段以及在长寿、体重管理、运动表现和恢复活力等方面的个性化支持。患者首先接受评估,诊所则在评估结果的基础上为患者制定个性化方案,重点关注营养、压力管理、睡眠和体育锻炼。患者可获得家用的设备,以贯彻诊所强调的全面优化健康的方法。





Sophie Menkes医生负责的医美与再生医学中心在创新再生实践方面独树一帜,治疗手段包括微/纳米脂肪移植和 PRP(富含血小板的的血浆) 治疗,利用人体系统实现年轻化疗效。


这些疗程通常过程简单,对面部、身体、毛发和私密部位产生持久疗效。诊所在外泌体治疗(Exosomes Treatment)领域享有领先地位,利用细胞外囊泡实现细胞间交流,促进头发、皮肤和私密部位的组织修复。















问:"La Cure Reset七天焕颜"项目的费用是多少?是否只包含7天?

答:La Cure Reset七天焕颜”项目的定价为9,900瑞郎起。大多数情况下为期一周,但也可以根据患者的需要进行个性化定制和延长。












Recap of Nescens Online Workshop


As a professional family office dedicated to addressing the diverse needs of its clients, La SoleilleFamily Office puts a special emphasis on health and healthcare — a top priority for most if not all Chinese families. Switzerland, renowned for its excellence in preventive medicine, serves as an ideal destination. In order to shed more light on the top-notch healthcare services provided in Switzerland, on Nov. 22nd, La Soleille brought together three experts from its strategic partner Swiss Medical Network to explain the unique options of health improvement offered at Clinique Nescens.




Mrs. Babs Siclet, CEO GENOLIER PATIENT SERVICES & member of the general management of Swiss Medical Network  

Dr. Adeline Richard, Specialist in functional medicine and longevity

Dr. Sophie Menkes, medical director of the Center for Aesthetic & Regenerative Medicine


Swiss Medical Network / Clinique Nescens


Clinique Nescens, a member of the Swiss Medical Network near Geneva, excels in health prevention, well-being, and performance. Leveraging the extensive expertise of the network, it stands out in preventive medicine, lifestyle medicine, and aesthetic and regenerative medicine. Nescens is part of Aevis Victoria, known for its focus on healthcare, lifestyle, infrastructure, and luxury hotels. The clinic offers a hotel-like setting and VIP services. With a dedicated team, Nescens is adept at catering to international patients, providing a tailored experience, diverse cuisines, and personalized support for a smooth and pleasant stay.


Medica Check-ups, La Cure Reset


Clinic Nescens is dedicated to redefining aging, integrates science and technology into a holistic approach, addressing individual goals in these key areas: Medical Check-Ups and La Cure Reset.


Medical Check-Ups, tailored to various age groups, offer conventional tests and personalized options, including second opinion consultations. 


La Cure Reset, a week-long program, combines medical expertise, high-tech treatments, and personalized support in areas like longevity, weight management, sports performance, and revitalization. Assessments guide personalized experiences, focusing on nutrition, stress management, sleep, and physical activity. Patients receive tools for home use, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to health optimization at Nescens.


Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine


The Center of Aesthetic & Regenerative Medicine, overseen by Dr. Sophie Menkes, stands out in innovative regenerative practices, includingmicrofat/ nanofat grafting and PRP treatments, leveraging the body's systems for rejuvenation. 


These procedures, known for their simplicity, offer enduring effects on the face, body, hair, and intimate areas. The clinic pioneersexosomes treatment, utilizing extracellular vesicles to enable intercellular communication, fostering tissue repair for hair, skin, and intimate regions.


Harvesting and banking stem cells, often obtained from a minimal fat extraction, provide potential benefits during illness. 


Clinique Nescens extends expertise toaesthetic gynecology and private sphere rejuvenation, addressing female conditions through hyaluronic acid, laser procedures, micro/nanofat grafting, or exosome treatments; and male conditions, including penile issues, through micro/nanofat grafting and PRP. The clinic's emphasis on cutting-edge regenerative medicine, delivered in a luxurious environment, distinguishes it in the realm of aesthetic and regenerative healthcare.




The presentation was followed by a heated Q&A session where selected questions are presente below:


Q: What are the restrictions in taking the private sphere programs, like age, physical condition or allergy? How long would the results last? Do patients need to come back regularly to reinforce?

A: No age restrictions apply, but conditions like pregnancy or final-stage cancer are considered. The duration of the private sphere program's results varies. Nanofat/microfat grafting has a long-lasting effect, potentially improving over time. However, procedures like laser or exosome treatment require regular reinforcement.


Q: What is the cost of the La Cure Reset” program? Is it only for 7 days?

A: One week of La Cure Reset starts from 9900 CHF. Mostly it lasts for a week, but can also be personalized and extended according to the need of the patient.


Q: Is PRP for the hair administered by hand or by machine?

A: Clinique Nescens is very experienced in PRP practice. It can be administered either by hand or by machine depending on the patients choice. However, PRP is a an old way of hair rejuvenation while new methods such as stem cell treatment, microfat grafting and exosomes treatment demonstrate better and longer-lasting effect.


Q: What is the advantage of Clinique Nescens in detox and anti-aging programs as well as regenerative medicine compared to similar clinics in Switzerland?

A: Clinique Nescens stands out for its health campus location in Genolier, integrated with the Clinique de Genolier. It boasts top-notch medical expertise, evidence-based methods, and cutting-edge technologies. The clinic emphasizes regenerative medicine, with doctors regularly trained and engaged in research for the highest professionalism in the field.


Q: How can accommodation and language problems be addressed?

A: Accommodation is provided by Clinique Nescens. La SoleilleFamily Office offers value-added services from travel planning, logistic support, translation and personal attendant services and more to our Chinese clients who wish to take on a trip to Clinique Nescens.





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