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周四、周五、周六    15:00至02:00

周日    11:00至00:00

价格: 80瑞郎 /人


地点:纳沙泰尔英国花园(Jardin Anglais)



周四、周五、周六    15:00至02:00

周日    11:00至00:00


14瑞郎     1 部电影票

54瑞郎     4 部电影联票:可观看4部电影

120瑞郎   10 部电影联票:可观看10部电影

250瑞郎   电影节通票:可观看所有电影;VIP贵宾区;闭幕式入场券两张




葡萄酒酒会       18:00至19:00

管弦乐队表演    19:00至21:30

烟花表演           22:00










周二至周四  17:00至23:00

周五至周日  17:00至01:00

周日音乐节在纳沙泰尔湖畔的拉哈梅自然保护区(La Ramée),11:00开始举办






周五  18:00至04:00

周六  09:00至04:00(烟花表演20:30开始)

周日  09:00至午夜




Festi'neuch是纳沙泰尔市内举办的国际露天音乐节,为期四天。纳沙泰尔市被当地人昵称为 "Neuch",因此这个节日叫做 "Festi'neuch"

在音乐节现场,湖面上会搭有3个音乐会舞台和一个DJ调音台。50名左右来自国内外的音乐艺术家为数千名观众演奏他们最有名的单曲。许多受欢迎的音乐人也纷纷登台表演,甚至包括Texas、Gypsy King、Snoop Dog、Marilyn Manson等大咖。2019年的音乐节吸引了约50,000人参加。纳沙泰尔露天音乐节不仅呈现出国际氛围,还通过基金会对新的艺术项目和人才给予扶持,促进文化交流,鼓励音乐艺术创作和新艺术家的涌现,捍卫音乐文化









电影节上有五项让电影人竞相角逐的大奖:国际电影奖、亚洲电影奖、最佳瑞士短片奖、最佳欧洲短片奖以及始于2008年的名为 “真实恐惧”(Actual Fears)的瑞士影像艺术奖

大奖评选活动中放映的影片类型多样,既有著名导演的大片,也有小众的“作者电影”(film d’auteurs)(一种反映导演或编剧的个人艺术风格的电影)


亚洲电影生机蓬勃,但很少在瑞士放映,因此NIFFF开辟了“亚洲新锐电影”(New Cinema from Asia)专题评选活动。参评影片也包括一些带有奇幻风格元素且受大众欢迎的类型,如武侠片、喜剧片、动作片、超级英雄片等


除了影院和剧场,英国花园(Jardin Anglais)在电影节期间还有各类小馆和流动美食餐车,供人们在观影之余享受休闲时光,也让很多不为电影节而来的人驻足















街头艺人音乐节(The Buskers Festival)是在纳沙泰尔步行区举办的街头音乐艺人的节日,大家借此机会欢聚一堂。



























巡游区域是封闭的,必须买票才能观看庆典。有站票和坐票可供选择。巡游在“三一大道”(Avenue du 1er Mars)上举行,这是纳沙泰尔市中心的主干道。街上摆好了座椅,以方便老年人观众。2019年,街上聚集有大约30,000人观看精彩的花车巡游





Original English Text

Neuchâtel Summer Festivals

A. Introduction

As we are returning to a prepandemic normality, the people of Neuchâtel will finally be able to attend again the yearly key events the city heritage and offers a wide range of events to keep its population entertained. From theatres, concerts, cinema events, to outdoor music festival, Neuchâtel has it all! During the events, the people of Neuchâtel fill up the streets thus promoting the local economy and tourism attracting not only the Neuchâtel citizens, but also many people from outside the region. The Pandemic itself has played a major role in the local travelling of the Swiss people giving the city of Neuchâtel a great success.

This document gives a list of the major events that take place in the city over the summer. From young to old, families and friends, everyone has the opportunity to participate in these wonderful events.

B. Dates & Price

Festi’Neuch Openair Festival

Jeunes-Rives lake side, Neuchâtel

From the 9th to the 12th June 2022


Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 15:00 to 02:00

Sunday from 11:00 to 00:00

Price: 80CHF / person

NIFFF Fantastic Film Festival

Jardin Anglais, Neuchâtel

from the 1st to the 9th of July


14  CHF 1 film pass

54  CHF 4-film multi-pass:, Access to 4 films

120 CHF 10-film multi-pass: Access to 10 films 250 CHF Access to all films, VIP area, 2 entries for the closing ceremony.

1st of August - Firework

Jeunes-Rives lake side, Neuchâtel


Wine of honor from 18:00 to 19:00

Orchestra from 19:00 to 21:30

Fireworks 22:00

Price: Free of charge

Sports Festival

Jeunes-Rives lake side, Neuchâtel

From the 21st to the 23rd of August 2022

Price: Free of charge

The Buskers Festival

Neuchâtel’s City Center

From the 9th to the 13th August


Tuesday to Thursday from 17:00 to 23:00

Friday and Saturday from 17:00 to 01:00

Sunday event at “La Ramée” by the lake from 11:00

Price: Free of charge

Fête des Vendanges

Neuchâtel’s City Center

From the 23rd to the 25th of September


Friday: 18:00 to 04:00

Saturday: 09:00 to 04:00 (fireworks at 20:30) Sunday: 09:00 to Midnight

Price: Free of charge or 40 CHF to see the flower parade

C. Events Information

1. Feti'neuch

Festi’neuch is an international open-air music festival held in the city for four days. The people of Neuchâtel nickname the city as "Neuch" thus giving the festival the name "Festi'neuch".

There are 3 concert stages and one DJ platform on the lake. Around 50 national and international artists perform in front of thousands of people to play their most famous hits. Many popular artists have made their way to the stage as well notably Texas, Gypsy King, Snopp Dog or even Marilyn Manson among others. In 2019, it attracted around 50’000 participants. Parallel to the international part of the festival, the Festi’neuch foundation defends musical culture by supporting new artistic projects and talents, promoting cultural exchange and encouraging the creation and emergence of artists.

There is an great variety of music style ranging from French music, rap, slam, afro-punk, oriental pop, electro music. Sundays is always "family day" where the music of the world is played by various artists.

The festival is located at Jeunes-Rives lake shore closing it down for the weekend. This is one of the key strengths of the festival as it is located right at the lake giving the attendees a lovely setting to enjoy the event at. The event is always a success and is often sold out which is why if you want to have the chance to attend, tickets must be bought in advance.

A Camping is even installed at the lake side to offer affordable accommodation and also to be able to extend the festival spirit for the tourist in this unique scenery. Regarding trans portation to the festival, thanks to the high quality of the Swiss public transportation, events highly promote the participants to use public transportation. Late shuttles are organized for Neuchâtel's region but also to the surrounding cities to avoid people coming by car. This is to reduce the traffic, the pollution but is also mainly for security reasons to reduce the risk of accidents.

Feti'neuch has become one of the must-see events in the Neuchâtel region and is one of the four major open air festivals in French-speaking Switzerland. The location is what makes this festival so unique as it is right at the lake Neuchâtel giving the audience the possibility to go for a swim or simply relax on the beach while attending the festival.

2. Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival

The Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF) is a Swiss film festival dedicated to fantastic movies. Founded in 2000, it is now one of the most renowned film festivals worldwide for its genre. The NIFF has a rich and diversified program and is based on one central theme (Fantasy Cinema) and two secondary themes (Asian Cinema and Digital Images).

There are five competitions in which film makers can compete in: an international competition, an Asian competition, a Best Swiss Short Film Competition, a Best European Short Film Competition and a Swiss Video Art Competition entitled Actucal Fears and inaugurated in 2008.

The films shown at the event are very diversified, ranging from major works by renowned directors to unknown and underground “film d’auteurs” (this is an expression used to describe the films of a film director or a screenwriter which reflect their artistic personality).

In spite of its unrivalled energy, Asian cinema is rarely shown in Switzerland, which is why the NIFFF has a whole section dedicated to it, called New Cinema from Asia. This competition also includes popular genres often related to fantasy, like swordplay films, comedies, kung fu flicks, superheroes.

The festival takes place in various theatres in Neuchâtel. There is also an open-air cinema that is built in the middle of the city on the market place. Another open-air cinema is built at lake and is free for everybody. This gives the audience a wonderful experience of watching a movie by the lake.

Outside of the cinemas and theatres, the NIFFF offers a wide range of bars, food truck in the English Gardens and that people cansit in the park and enjoy a break between the movies. It attracts also a lot of people that do not take in the festival.

3. 1st of August

The 1st of August has been celebrated as Swiss National Day since 1891 and refers to a historic alliance concluded in 1291 by the three founding cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden. This alliance became the focal point around which the Switzerland of today was built over the following 600 years.

August 1st is celebrated with different locations organizing their own events. Certain towns may organize a place with food courts while others may organize a lottery with prizes to win or even have their town orchestra give a concert. Certain cities or villages also allow people to light their own fireworks under the surveillance of the fire department in a certain area.

When is the national day celebrated? In Switzerland, this is quite special. Some regions choose to celebrate it on the 31st of July as this allows the people to feast late into the night and rest the next day as it is a national holiday while others choose to celebrate it on the actual day: 1st of August.

Why this tradition? This is because there is no real record of when the foundation of Switzerland was back in 1291. The only key information we have is that the pact was made “early in August” so the state decided to make August 1st the Swiss National day.

The city of Neuchâtel for example organizes the firework show on the lake which will begin at 22:00. The people can gather at the Jeunes-Rives lake shores or at view it on the top of Neuchâtel’s hill to admire the spectacle. Boats are also organised so that people can look at the show from closer up.

4. Sports Festival, 21 – 23 August 2022

The Neuchâtel Sports Festival is an event where the people of Neuchâtel can enjoy and experience a broad range of sports outdoors. It takes place along the Jeunes-Rives park which is right at the lake giving the event a beautiful scenery.

This program was designed so that everyone can try out new sports disciplines that are conducive to their physical, mental and social development. Two full days to move, have fun, and share many experiences. Many varied activities available such as martial arts, acrobatic sports, sailing, basketball, artistic swimming, obstacle courses, dance classes. All of the events are free of charge and are offered to the people as introduction courses, demonstrations and tournaments.

This time is not only for adults, but is also dedicated for the young ones to introduce them to sports. Likewise for seniors or those with reduced mobility there are activities that have been organized so that they can enjoy this day as well as Switzerland is a country that takes great care of the elderly and the physically challenged people.

5. The Buskers Festival, 9 – 13 August

The Buskers Festival is a street musicians' festival in the pedestrian zone of Neuchâtel, the opportunity for a friendly and welcoming get-together.

In the middle of August each year, during the last week before the kids go back to school, fifteen guest groups, both national and international, perform in the streets of Neuchâtel for five days. The event starts on Tuesday until Sturday from 17:00 to 22:00. After 22:00, one of the theatres in Neuchâtel opens its doors for the artists to meet and enjoy some improvised drum sessions. The event brings together people from different origins where cultures and languages manage to perfectly play music together while they sometimes barely can communicat.

No stage, no sound systems and no light shows, the groups simply perform with 'natural acoustics'. Because of this, the Buskers Festival offers the chance to share special moments in a family atmosphere. Form classical music, Flamenco to rock, this street festival offers many diverse cultural opportunities dedicated to little children as well as seniors.

The main highlight of this event is the traditional music of the world. Each year, impressive international groups such as flamenco, Mongolian, African, eastern European take to the streets of Neuchâtel to perform. There are only very few Swiss that perform during this time. Dancers also perform to the rhythm of the giving the festival a unique atmosphere.

The festival is open to all and free of charge. To support the event, young kids walk around the city and sell badges. It is also expected from the audience to buy CDs or put money in the hat.

The festival offers a wide range of food trucks and drinks stands. This is also a great event for the local restaurants whose terrasses are full with music lovers.

6. La Fêtes des Vendanges « Grappe Harvest » Festival

For more than a century, Neuchâtel has celebrated the Fête des Vendanges marking the beginning of the grape harvest with which the region's wineries will produce the new wine.

Neuchâtel is a wine producing canton, therefore this event has always been an important moment of joy to celebrate the new production. This has become one of the largest wine festivals in Europe welcoming up to 340,000 people over three days. Each year, this event is celebrated on the last “full”  weekend of September.

During this time, traffic is banished from the city center so that participants can enjoy fully the ambience of light, music, laughter and the countless amount of food and drinks stands.

This is the occasion for the local sports clubs and association to have their own booth to raise money for their clubs. The members help or work as volunteers at the stand and the aim is to get money for the season’s activities and camps as most of them charge very low yearly fee to their members.


At around 18:00, the festival begins with the traditional music parade where the president of the committee, and the “guest commune” who are invited, announce the opening of the festival.

The grand night-time parade with "Guggenmusik" (or "Happy Music") takes place on the Friday night but groups in costume are out and about all throughout the festival.


The children's parade, a joyful and colorful event, is traditionally held on the Saturdat afternoon. Kids and their parents/school teachers prepare nice costumes with which they will proudly parade through the city with the music parade too.

In the evening, a wonderful firework show is exhibited at the lake. They are created by two renowned pyrotechnician brothers from Neuchâtel who are used to presenting their work in the most prestigious international competitions.

This show is offered free of charge thanks to the support of the partners of the Fête des Vendanges de Neuchâtel!


The Sunday afternoon floral parade also attracts a vast crowd. With the rhythm of the brass bands and the humorous touch of some groups in costume, this procession continues the tradition of the harvest chariot parade at the end of the harvest. The carts are loaded with the winegrower's working tools, adorned and decorated with flowers.

The great show takes place on the main street of the city. Multiple local brass bands perform in a march on the street. They are then followed by the main event which is the big flower parade. Huge chariot are adorned with thousands of flowers according to a certain theme. In 2019, 53 different groups drove their chariot along the main street. These chariots with confetti cannons are also part of the procession to add to the atmosphere.

During the festival, a “miss” competition takes place to award the best looking lady of the city. The winner will be crowned as “Miss fête des Vendanges”. She is also part of the procession show standing on her own chariot.

The area of the parade is closed as you must buy a ticket to watch the show. Standing or seating tickets are available. The parade takes place on the “Avenue du 1er Mars” which is the main street in downtown Neuchâtel. The street is prepared with chairs and is therefore suitable for the elderly generation. In 2019, around 30’000 spectators gathered along the street to admire the wonderful parade.

This festival is arguably the most anticipated festival of the year for the city of Neuchâtel and attracts people from many other cantons including neighboring France.

D. Conclusion

Most Swiss events were cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19 restrictions. We are looking forward to 2022, many of these events will be able to take place again thanks to Covid restrictions being lifted up. The team at La Soleille Family Office in Neuchâtel highly recommends these events and will be happy to assist should you have any interes.




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