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瑞士的酒店管理学校也有很高的声誉;例如,洛桑酒店管理商学院(EHL)连续四年在最权威的全球大学排名之一QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)排名中在全球酒店管理大学中排名第一,在瑞士商学院中排名第五。瑞士酒店管理大学被称为 "高级酒店管理人才和职业经理人的摇篮",他们的酒店管理教育提供广泛而实用的课程,采用理论和实践相结合的模式,注重提高学生的综合能力





中国人和瑞士人也有不同的心态、思维方式和生活态度。中国人的思维方式最基本的特点是倾向于把事物看成一个整体,具有整体观念。正如老子所说 "道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物"。相比之下,瑞士或西方文化的显著特点是分析,它倾向于关注个人。一个典型的例子是,传统的中医认为,人体是一个整体,身体的局部问题会得到全面的治疗,而西医则是头痛治头,胃痛治胃




Original English Text

My name is Siqing, I’m a student currently studying at Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne. Starting from March this year, I’ve worked at La Soleille Family Office as an administrative assistant intern. For this article, I’m going to talk about why I chose to study in Switzerland and what differences between China and Switzerland I discovered during my stay here.

Why Switzerland?

Instead of choosing other popular countries such as North America or the UK to study in, I decided to come to Switzerland to attend university for several reasons.

Switzerland is a safe country, both personally, financially, and politically. A low crime rate of almost zero, strict gun-control regulations and a high level of educated citizens guarantee a high level of personal security to live, study, and work in Switzerland. With a vibrant cultural life, beautiful scenery, high-quality real estate, and high-quality education, Switzerland offers a high standard of living. It also has a stable currency, strong purchasing power, moderate taxation, and permanent neutrality, which shows the economic and political stability of the country, and it is optimal for future investments.

There is a natural sense of trust between people in Switzerland; Although people often do not know each other personally, they would help each other when they see others in need. "Solidarity" is part of Swiss education. Perhaps because they live in such a beautiful place with clear lakes and lush mountains, they tend to believe in the goodness of human nature and are very eager to help others and show them goodwill.

Once when I was traveling to Grindelwald, I hurt myself when I fell from a scooter. I received so much help from different Swiss people, including passersby, rescuers, hotel staff, and so on. Although I was badly injured, it was still a very warm experience with a lot of help.

Moreover, Switzerland has been ranked the most innovative country globally because of its strengths in innovation capacity, high-educated workforce, and most up-to-date scientific research institutions. It facilitates collaborations of companies, start-ups, and universities to do research and turn research results into marketable products and services to strengthen the innovative ability and power of the economy. Switzerland also offers an ideal environment for start-ups and young people who want to drive innovation. Here, Switzerland provides a good infrastructure and contact opportunities.

Swiss hotel management schools are also highly prestigious; for example, Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne (EHL) has been ranked No. 1 in the QS (Quacquarelli Symonds), one of the essential, authoritative rankings of global universities, Global Hotel Management University for four consecutive years and ranked 5th among Swiss business schools. Swiss hotel management universities are known as the "cradle of senior hotel management personnel and professional managers," Their hotel management education offers a broad and practical education that focuses on improving students' overall abilities.

In short, these are only a few reasons why I chose to study in Switzerland and major in hotel management.

Cultural differences

It has been three years since I studied and two years lived in Switzerland, excluding the time of the Covid epidemic and internship. I discovered that the cultural differences between China and Switzerland are reflected in many aspects of life and work.

In terms of diet, Chinese cuisine emphasizes the tradition of the beauty of the dishes as well as the sentiment, paying attention to the harmony of the color, aroma, taste, shape, and utensils of the food. There are specific requirements for the naming of dishes, the way of tasting, the rhythm of eating, and the interspersing of entertainment. Switzerland is located at the crossroads of many countries and integrates multiple European cultures with a fusion of French, German, and Italian food styles. Swiss people pay attention to cutlery, materials, and service, but more attention to nutrition, ingredients, and the quality of the food which is a rational concept of diet.

Chinese and Swiss also have different mindsets, ways of thinking, and attitudes towards life. The most essential characteristic of the Chinese way of thinking is synthesis, which has a holistic view and tends to look at things as a whole. As Laozi said: “ The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things.” In comparison, the distinctive feature of the Swiss or Western culture is analysis, which tends to focus on the individual. A typical example is that traditional Chinese doctors believe that the human body is a whole and that localized problems in the body will be treated comprehensively, while Western doctors will treat headaches for headaches and stomach pains for stomach pains.

From a work perspective, Swiss are about individualism, flat corporate hierarchies, direct communication, and shared leadership. The Chinese are about collectivism, clear hierarchical distinctions, and indirect communication. The boundary between work and life is also not as clear-cut in China as it is in Switzerland, especially now that more people are working remotely from home. For example, during non-working hours, most Chinese still need to respond to work-related messages and emails as soon as possible. Swiss people, on the contrary, preserve their personal life as much as possible without being affected by work, giving them time to socialize, focus on the family, work out or engage in other hobbies.

Chinese and Swiss also have different perceptions of pace. In China, under the influence of fast-paced work and life; we want everything to be done very fast, when we make purchases online, we hope to receive the goods the day after; when we eat at a restaurant, we hope the dish will be delivered very soon after order; even for transportation, we want to take high-speed rail, maglev, and direct flights. On the contrary, the Swiss like to take their time in everything they do and everything they have to decide. They believe that Swiss quality is also a question of time, reflection, and consideration in order to make the right decision and thus avoid mistakes.

Although I experienced the impact of cultural differences and there were times when I was overwhelmed and timid, I would not only understand myself better in communicating and cooperation with people of different cultures but also learn to respect and accept people who are different from us. By living in  Switzerland and studying in a multicultural environment at an international hotel management school, I met all kinds of people and made good friends that I can be with for the rest of my life, which I think is the most important meaning of coming and studying here.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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