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留瑞对我来说,是段奇妙的旋行。在了解留瑞之前,我是打算留美的,所以我准备的也是托福 ,维立克 ,各种各样的essay ,当然留美的竞争也是很大的,在我以前就读的一所普通公校的班级里,想留美的,就不下三人。在我一切都快准备完毕开始交申请的时候,我通过雷梭勒办公室了解了留瑞。我瞬间就被吸引了,相比留美,它的优势太多太明显了。


因为开始准备留美,考口托福,英语也有基础了,留瑞真的都不用准备,硬要说准备什么 ,可能是报名费?就是这样,我依然非要焦虑不安,毕竟我放弃了留美,如果申请瑞士学校不成功,那我就没书读了,可是我也干不了什么啊在申请的前几天。所以,我疯狂打电话给过雷梭勒办公室里负责我的美女姐姐,问她录取机率多大,有什么案例。终于到了我考试的那天,事实证明,我一切一切的担心都是多余的。我的第一轮全是电脑上的考试,我申请了三所:圣乔治、莱蒙、艾格隆,其实我的爸爸妈妈比较偏向艾格隆,这所学校管理非要严格,出口也很好,在瑞士私校排第三。但是我比较喜欢圣乔治,这里比艾格隆会好一点,周末可以去镇上买东西什么的,压力也不是很大,而且出口和成绩也不比艾格隆差。在考完笔试之后,我有两轮面试,圣乔治的,和艾格隆的。






Going to study in Switzerland was a wonderful journey for me.

Before I considered the possibility of studying in Switzerland, I had put my mind on the United States. So, I was also preparing myself for TOEFL, Vericant, and all kinds of essays. Sure enough, to go studying in the United States is a highly competitive business. In my class at a common public school, there were at least three students bent on going to America.

When I almost got everything ready and started to hand in my application, I happened to know something about studying in Switzerland through Raleigh's office. I was appealed right away, for it offered too many clear advantages compared to the option of the United States.

First, the destination of graduates and school rankings are not inferior, if not superior, to their counterparts in the United States. Second, Switzerland is much safer. It is a neutral nation, and the overall atmosphere there is also much more restrained. The community of Chinese students in Switzerland is much smaller. Most important of all, it is really a very easy business to apply for an education opportunity in Switzerland. As an example, for the same level of schools, you need to get 100 points in TOEFL and above 6.5 in IELTS if you fancy going to America. Whereas in Switzerland, a TOEFL score of 50 points is required. Should you just fail to get 50 points in TOEFL, there are some renowned schools willing to accept you if you have an obliging attitude.

I therefore opted for Switzerland.

As I had aimed for the United States, I had sat in for oral TOEFL test. My English capability was acquired already. Truly, I did not need to prepare for it specially. But, I was no less anxious. I gave up the opportunity of studying in the United States, as it was, and I would end up with no schooling if my Swiss option was a failure. But I had nothing special to do several days before the application, so I called time and again the beautiful sister in the Raleigh's office who was responsible for my case, asking her about the probability of getting admitted to a Swiss school and demanding some successful cases. At long last, the day of my exam came and went. All my worries were proven to be unnecessary.

My first round of tests were all held on computer. I applied for three schools. They were St. George, Léman, and Aiglon. My parents, in fact, preferred Aiglon, because it practices strict student management and ranks third among private colleges in Switzerland. But I preferred St. George. I found it more pleasing than Aiglon, for on weekends I would be allowed to go to the town for shopping. The pressure would not be that high. Also, the destination and performance of its graduates are in no way below that of Aiglon. After completing my written exam, I took two rounds of interviews, for St. George and Aiglon respectively.

I sat in for St. George first. I was interviewed by the principal. The interview was a success. I did not have to wait long after the interview before I was accepted as an exception with distinction. I received a letter of acceptance one after another from Aiglon and Léman. For some reasons, I opted for St. George. It really is an easy job applying for an education opportunity in Switzerland. So, just remain relaxed, not to be as worried as I had been.

By now, I have studied here for one month. Something about my school life? How about I telling you in the sequel?





1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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