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【瑞士小记者】 瑞士名校













Getting in touch with Swiss education was such a coincidence. It seems to be a fate when I got to know it. Before, I only knew there was a country named Switzerland, it was hard to imagine it is a country which I will study in one day.

I began with three options, they are Lyceum AlpiniumZuoz school, Beau Soleil college and Aiglon college. Ever since I’ve made mydecision, I got into a tense condition for preparing the exams. I boughtEnglish books and started some additional English class. These have become asolid guarantee for my admission. Although I felt a bit tired sometimes, it isclear that there will be coming good result without these efforts I paid for.That is what they say: there is no effort, and where to return. At the sametime, when I was in my English class, I also took math lessons. The mathematicsin Switzerland is different than in China. However, it would be meaningless ifsomeone can’t understand the meaning of the questions so the main purpose oftaking math lessons is to understand the nouns of it properly and learn newknowledges.     

Soon, itwas time for me to take the enrollment exams. The difficulties of these threeschools’ examinations are hard to compare. Thanks for the previous preparation,I was comfortable to accomplish all the exam papers. Certainly, there are fewquestions that I can’t solve at this moment, but I believe it can becomplemented during my future study in Switzerland.

After the exams, the interviews came next. As anextroverted boy, I was quite calm and confident when I face the interviewteacher. That makes me answer every question precisely and clearly.Luckily, I received three school admissionsnotices. I was so excited and celebrated with my parents once we had the news.In my heart, I am very grateful for my parents' support and all my teachers'help, as well as my own insistence. After receiving the admission notice, Icame to visit all the schools that I applied for in Switzerland with myparents. During the school visits, we talked to the teachers and set our footprintsall over the campus. At the beginning of the tour of Zuoz campus, I attended inthe Zuoz academic probation day. This is the only school that provides academicprobation day for a complete whole day to have a better experience of theschool life.

An academic probation day in Zuoz makes my balance tilting for it.However, a school burst in my view when I thought I was going to choose Zuoz asmy final decision: Beau Soleil college. My parents and I had a long discussionabout it, we decide to choose Beau Soleil instead of Zuoz. There are threereasons that we mainly concerned: a 100%IB school enrollment rate, a very goodlearning atmosphere and environment in the school, a very beautiful view ofAlps mountains to enjoy each day.

I think that my own efforts are the main key tosuccessfully receive three schools’ admission offers. The support of my parentsand the great help of the teachers are the other important elements for me tosucceed.As conclusion, I hope my words would help you toachieve your goals and you would enjoy the journey to your future destinationas well as I do.

Thank you!




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