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2023年9月30日,尚贝缇学院(Collège Champittet)迎来了120周年华诞,雷梭勒家族办公室CEO孙晋玲女士和合伙人Evan Kwok女士受邀参加了盛大的学校周年庆典。在庆祝学校的辉煌历程之际,我们也借机对这所令人景仰的学府展开了一场魅力之旅。依偎在瑞士迷人风景中的尚贝缇学院,拥有悠久的历史和充满希望的未来,是学术界卓越的灯塔



尚贝缇学院坐落在瑞士风景如画的普利(Pully)镇,它不止是一所学校,更是一所塑造了一代又一代年轻人心灵的机构。它是著名的诺德安达教育集团(Nord Anglia Education group)的成员,该集团旗下还有博索雷学院(Collège Alpin International Beau Soleil)和瑞士莱蒙国际学校(Collège du Léman)




芭芭拉·亨德里克斯(Barbara Hendricks)是著名的歌剧女高音歌唱家,也是难民教育信托基金会(RET)的理事会成员,她分享了自己对艺术结合教育的见解。她鼓舞人心的话语引起了听众的共鸣,彰显了教育改变生命的力量

著名歌剧女高音歌唱家  Barbara Hendricks

受人尊敬的沃州联邦院议员兼教育部长费德里科·博罗兹(Frédéric Borloz) 强调了像尚贝缇学院这样的教育机构在塑造未来领袖方面的关键作用。他的出席证明了尚贝缇学院对瑞士教育领域的贡献得到了高度认可

沃州联邦院议员兼教育部长  Frédéric Borloz

尚贝缇学院校长菲利普·德·克罗迪(Philippe de Korodi)带大家回顾了学校的辉煌历史。他讲述了学校起源的动人故事

尚贝缇学院校长  Philippe de Korodi

20世纪初,法国经历了重大的政治和社会变革,道明会(Dominican Order)因法国颁布的反宗教法律而面临越来越多的挑战。这些法律旨在削弱包括天主教会在内的宗教机构在公共生活各个方面的影响力。因此,像道明会这样的修会在法国的活动和教育举措受到越来越多的限制


在这段动荡的历史时期,道明会的杰出人物休伯特·菲纳兹神父(Reverend Father Hubert Finaz)受到了卓越教育愿景的激励。这一愿景深深植根于道明会的传统,即强调严谨治学、道德价值观和全面教育。菲纳兹神父看到了一个机会,不仅能让道明会传统得到传承,还能在新的环境中培育它












Original English Text

Celebrating 120 Glorious Years of Collège Champittet: A Grand Affair

As we gather to celebrate the remarkable 120-year journey of Collège Champittet, we embark on a captivating tour of this esteemed institution and the grand anniversary celebration that recently took place. Nestled in the charming Swiss landscape, Collège Champittet stands as a beacon of academic excellence, with a rich history and a promising future.

1. The Essence of Collège Champittet

Located in the picturesque town of Pully, Switzerland, Collège Champittet is more than just a school; it is an institution that has shaped generations of young minds. As a member of the prestigious Nord Anglia Education group, which also includes Collège Alpin International Beau Soleil and Collège du Léman, Collège Champittet upholds the highest standards of education and character development.

At the heart of Collège Champittet lies its dynamic faculty and diverse student body. The dedicated educators here inspire and guide students to reach their full potential. They foster an environment that nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and a love for learning. Collège Champittet's commitment to academic excellence is unwavering, setting it apart as a leader in Swiss education.

2. An Anniversary to Remember

The 120th-anniversary celebration of Collège Champittet was nothing short of spectacular. The festivities commenced with an elegant cocktail sharing session, a gathering of minds eager to commemorate this significant milestone in the institution's history. Distinguished speakers from various walks of life graced the occasion, adding depth and meaning to the celebration.

Barbara Hendricks, a renowned operatic soprano and council member of the Foundation for the Refugee Education Trust (RET), shared her insights on the intersection of arts and education. Her inspiring words resonated with the audience, highlighting the power of education in transforming lives.

Frédéric Borloz, the esteemed State Councilor from the Canton of Vaud and Minister of Education, emphasized the pivotal role of educational institutions like Collège Champittet in shaping future leaders. His presence underscored the recognition of Collège Champittet's contribution to the educational landscape of Switzerland.

Philippe de Korodi, Head of School at Collège Champittet, took the audience on a journey through the school's remarkable history. He recounted the inspiring story of the school's origin.

In the early 20th century, as France underwent significant political and social changes, the Dominican Order faced mounting challenges due to anti-religious laws enacted in the country. These laws aimed to reduce the influence of religious institutions, including the Catholic Church, in various aspects of public life. As a result, religious orders like the Dominicans encountered increasing restrictions on their activities and educational initiatives within France.

To continue their mission of education and spiritual guidance while escaping these challenges, some Dominican priests sought refuge in Switzerland. Switzerland, with its reputation for neutrality and openness to religious communities, became an attractive destination for those looking to continue their work.

During this turbulent period in history, Reverend Father Hubert Finaz, a prominent figure within the Dominican Order, was inspired by a vision of educational excellence. This vision was deeply rooted in the Dominican tradition, which emphasized intellectual rigor, moral values, and comprehensive education. Reverend Father Finaz saw an opportunity not only to preserve the Dominican legacy but also to nurture it in a new environment.

In Switzerland, he established Collège Champittet, an institution founded on the ideals of academic excellence, moral integrity, and community engagement. This visionary institution marked the beginning of a 120-year journey characterized by an unwavering commitment to nurturing young minds and fostering both intellectual and ethical excellence.

3. Student Showcase: A Symphony of Talent

The celebration reached its zenith with an enchanting performance by Collège Champittet's talented students. These young performers, representing the diverse talents nurtured at the school, exuded confidence and infectious enthusiasm. Their captivating acts created a warm and welcoming atmosphere, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in the room.

What truly set these students apart was their remarkable composure. Even when they faced the inevitable hiccups of live performances, they displayed impressive resilience. Their ability to adapt, their unwavering determination, and their genuine love for what they were doing left a profound impact on everyone fortunate enough to witness their talents unfold.

4. A Glorious Conclusion and Your Path to Collège Champittet

As we conclude this journey through Collège Champittet's 120th-anniversary celebration, we extend an invitation to you. Explore the world of opportunities that this exceptional institution offers. Collège Champittet's legacy is not just a testament to its rich history; it is also a promise of a bright future for students who walk through its doors.

La Soleille Family Office takes immense pride in supporting aspiring students on their path to Collège Champittet and other renowned educational institutions. Our commitment to empowering young minds aligns perfectly with the values upheld by Collège Champittet. For more information about this exciting educational journey, please contact La Soleille Family Office.

In commemorating 120 years of academic excellence, Collège Champittet reaffirms its commitment to nurturing the leaders and thinkers of tomorrow, and we look forward to being part of this remarkable journey with you.




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