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瑞士小记者 Shelly的上海W外滩酒店六个月实习心得


瑞士小记者 |上海W外滩酒店




       有这么一段时间,我经常在否定自己,是不是自己真的没有实力,真的就像他们所说的我什么都不会吗?后来我才慢慢地认识到,我不敢和客人沟通的原因,是因为我对于岗位的陌生而产生了恐惧感,我就是不敢踏出这一步,生怕自己做错了事情遭受指责。其实做错了事情并不可怕,反而能从中吸取到教训、并收获成长。社会和学校真的有很大的不同,在学校里老师会护着你、包容你,但社会不一样。记得有一次我迟到了,因为地铁坐错才导致迟到了3分钟。当时的我并没有觉得什么,只想着到时候解释一下,经理应该就会谅解我了吧。结果等我到了餐厅,经理很严肃地找我谈话,我的第一反应就是解释说我是因为地铁坐反了,在员工电梯又等了很久。当时,餐厅经理的回答直接让我哑口无言,她说:是我导致你坐错地铁的吗?是我的原因让这个电梯慢的吗?这个时候,我才感觉到不要找任何借口,迟到了就是迟到了,没有什么可以解释的。 我其实是拖延症比较严重的一个人,想到一件事情不会立刻马上行动。但是通过这一次实习,我发现了有很多事情只是我们自己想得太困难化了,觉得做去这件事情会很麻烦所以才想要一拖再拖。但事实上,再麻烦的事情,只要你愿意去做,有条理地去试着完成,反而会比把事情都堆在一起最后去做来得轻松。



瑞士 SHMS 酒店管理大学



English Version

Six month internship in W Hotel Shanghai-The Bund

I’m a BA1 student in SHMS(Swiss Hotel Management School), I passed internship interview of W Hotel Shanghai The Bund in November 2019, and I applied the YEN CHINESE RESTAURANT of the W Hotel. In 13th February, I started my internship.

When I was young, in my opinion, I think each company only has one interview. But I’ve participated in three rounds of interviews there. The first one is with HR, the second one is by restaurant manager and the third one is facing the HR manager. Compare with work and study, I prefer to work because when I was working I can get more fulfillment and a sense of fullness.

Before I gone to internship, I was very nervous and exciting. Why I was nervous because this is my first time to go to work, and it is a brand new experience. And exciting is because I can earn money by myself.

At the beginning, I can’t face to customers and colleague. I felt it is much embraced and I thought I was an introvert person; I need to spent time for changing myself. In first month, it was the hardest time for me, even I wanted to change department, I wanted to work in office because I was afraid to communicate with customers.

When they asked me questions, I got no idea what I have to say. What’s more, the supervisor usually criticism and censure me. So during that period, I became very unconfident. Later I realized that I have that ability to talk with customs, I just unfamiliar with that job. I was too afraid to made mistakes. Actually, when you make mistakes, it is not that serious problem and you have to be happy because you can be better when you solve those problems.

There are different between society and school. In school, if you make a mistake, teacher will give you a chance to listen to you and forgive you. But in society, nobody will think about you as a student.

For example, once, I was late about 3 minuets because I’ve taken a wrong subway. I didn’t take it very serious. I thought I just need to explain it and my manger can understand. Therefore, I went to the restaurant, our manager called my name, and then I explained. However, she didn’t listen to me and said: it’s none of my business; I only knew you are late. It is my cause result in your late? During that time, I understand the different between school and society. Don’t find any excuse to your mistake, just solve the problem and never do it again.

I'm actually a procrastinator. When I remember one thing that I have to do, I won’t do it immediately. But through the internship, I found, why I will be a procrastinator is because in my mind, I think that this matter maybe very difficult to solve. Actually it is not that difficult if you take time to try solving it, step by step.

Moreover, teamwork and have a good mentality are important, too. I was in a misunderstanding: Before we started to work each day, we had a briefing. During the briefing, manager had to assignment of area for us. So I thought, everyone just need to look after their own area, don’t have to help other people when is busy or not.

Actually when the restaurant is opening, everybody has to help each other, and you have to active to help all the people. Because when you active to help people, that person will think you are very kind and diligent. But if someone call you to do something, then it will become a kind of obey. It will result in some bad feeling for both.

In fact, you don’t have to complain, when people ask you to do something, you just think that is a change to challenge yourself, walk out your comfortable area. When you heard some negative information, you have to adjust of your mentality in time. I feel this period of internship has a kind of magic power. No matter how much I look forward to getting off work earlier or having a rest after whole day’s work, when it really comes to the day of leaving, I will be particularly reluctant to give up.





1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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