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19年2月 资产管理月报


19年2月 资产管理月报


 La Soleille Family Office (Suisse) SA


Asset Management Bulletin
























利用行业、国家和区域指数跟踪基金和一篮子组合进行分散投资, 尽量降低投资一种股票或债券的风险。





除了上证综指之外,2019年迄今为止表现最好的国家股指是:阿根廷(+ 16.7%)、土耳其(+13.3%)和埃及(+13.3%),都是以美元计价的,而没有一个国家的政治或经济环境具备足够的吸引力。由于上述原因,我们将保持100%的现金,直到新的上升趋势得以确认。




James Cunningham

Chief Investment Officer

La Soleille Family Office (Suisse) SA

Feburary 28th, 2019






English Version



 Equities start the year on a roll

The MSCI World global index is up +11.1% in just two months, driven mostly by the American S&P 500 index’ gain of +11.4%.  China, a loser over recent years, is up +18.4% (Shanghai).  Even the Euro area has gained + 9.4%, despite slowing growth, especially in its main economic driver, Germany.  Even Italy, Europe’s laggard, has seen its stock index rise + 11.9%.


Yet the OECD has reduced its estimates of global GDP growth as well as for trade for 2019.  Manufacturing is slowing (see chart below).  Britain and the EU are still at an impasse over Brexit. Why the investor optimism? Analysts point to central banks’ newly cautious attitude: the US Federal Reserve has stopped raising its benchmark interestrates and reducing its stock of Treasury bonds; the European Central Bank has postponed cutting its stimulus.


In China, the government has encouraged banks to lend more to counter a slowing economy. But these policies are a response to a negative outlook for growth and therefore for the corporate profits that should underpin stock markets’ performance.




 The recovery in stocks looks overstretched

Industrials, Real Estate and Energy are the strongest sectors in American stocks thus far in 2019, all cyclicals.  IT, hit in late 2018, is up 14% thanks to ongoing digitalization. That suggests that the prior sell-off from mid-November through Christmas was overdone.  The S&P 500 has risen by nearly 20% from its December 24th interim low, and yet we are reluctant to reenter the market. A glance at the chart below shows why. The US market is again above its 200-day moving average, a positive indicator, but it is right in the zone of the previous three failed rally tops.  We did have a buy signal according to our model on February 14th.  The index is now only 1.9% higher, and 3.4% above our selling point on October 25th.  We need to see the index decisively above the old failed rally highs to have confidence in a new bull run.  At its current level, the S&P is 7.7% below the old September high, also a potential resistance level: near-term,upside is limited.



 China and America are nearer to a trade agreement

President Trump is encouraged enough by progress in negotiations to postpone indefinitely a 25% increase in tariffs on Chinese exports to the US.  Just what the eventual agreement will be in detail is still unclear.  Consider one aspect that “Team Trump” may not have considered: China has invested its massive trade surpluses with America in $1.3 trillion of US Treasury bonds.  As that trade surplus falls, so will China’s surplus dollars, and with it its appetite for Treasuries.  Meanwhile, Trump’s tax cuts and slowing US growth point to a rising US budget deficit and therefore an increase in the issuance of Treasury bonds.


 Our Policy

As our readers know, La Soleille does not make predictions based on economic, industry or company analysis.  We act on market trends and other technical signals alone. In asset management we follow four principles:


Identify and follow positive trends (risk on)

Sell fast when they turn negative (risk off)

Buy again when a bottom is confirmed (risk back on)

Diversify by using sector, national and regional index-tracking funds and baskets, thus minimizing exposure to any particular stock or bond


We use mathematical modeling of prices and probabilities to determine if a trend is positive or negative, strengthening or weakening, and likely or not to continue for the next period (which for us is one month, to control trading cost “friction”).  La Soleille is contrarian at the trend change, particularly when a downtrend turns positive.


Summary and Outlook

After Shanghai, the best national stock index performances thus far in 2019 are Argentina (+ 16.7%), Turkey (+ 13.3%), and Egypt (+13.3%), all in US dollars, none of which have an attractive political or economic environment.  For reasons indicated above, we remain 100% in cash until the new uptrend is confirmed.




James Cunningham

Chief Investment Officer

La Soleille Family Office (Suisse) SA

Feburary 28th, 2019









1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)贵族教育 

4)居留计划 5)健康管理 6)生活方式


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