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本篇带您了解回味瑞士20年前举办的一场著名的国家博览会(Expo' 02)。这是瑞士最近的一届国家级博览会,于2002年分别在纳沙泰尔(Neuchâtel)、伊韦尔东(Yverdon-les-Bains)、穆尔藤(Murten)、比尔(Biel/Bienne)四座城市举办








- 伊韦尔东(法语区)

- 纳沙泰尔(法语区)

- 穆尔(德语区)

- 比尔(德-法双语区)


该项目的最早发起人之一,也是纳沙泰尔的一位著名建筑师,提出了以ArtePlages一词命名的概念。这个词由 "art "和 "plages"(艺术和沙滩)两个词缩略组合而成,这意味着展览区域划定在了湖岸边。搭建的一个个ArtePlages艺术沙滩展台将在活动结束时被完全拆除,从而可以快速腾出空间,而无需经过漫长的行政手续。每个艺术沙滩展台都有自己的主题,包含许多家展馆和各种动画特效。在2002年博览会期间,最终共举办了139场展览


1. 纳沙泰尔:自然与人工

在纳沙泰尔艺术沙滩展区(Arteplage Neuchâtel),一切都围绕着自然和人工展开:高科技让自然与人工诗意地融合。我们依赖环境,并根据我们的需求来构造它。在这里,身体与精神、科学与虚构融为一体







12级风暴(Beaufort 12)


Beaufort 12是指飓风的风力等级。这种等级的风暴不仅具有极大的破坏力,而且还会给人们带来巨大的悲痛。那些被自然灾害侵袭过后的物品,以及受害者的照片和采访,都见证了大自然的力量。展览现场开放了一处人工景观,它模拟的是纳沙泰尔艺术沙滩展区(Neuchâtel Arteplage)正在被一场灾难吞噬时的情景,其中有泥石流、雪崩、火灾和风。现场还有一台风暴模拟器,让你亲身感受到强风吹袭皮肤的感觉


平衡之殿(Palace of Equilibrium)





2. 伊韦尔东:我与宇宙


六座山丘(Six Hills)


云朵(The Cloud)



3. 比尔:权力与自由


天堂里的陌生人(Strangers in Paradise



货币与价值(Money and Value)



4. 穆尔藤:瞬间与永恒






5. 汝拉:意义与运动


海盗船(Pirate Ship)


6. 纳沙泰尔的展览还剩下什么


02年博览会的另一个遗留物是至今仍在使用的纳沙泰尔帕拉菲特(Palafitte)酒店。酒店建于2002年,是瑞士02年国家博览会的一部分。它是著名建筑师库尔特·霍夫曼(Kurt Hofmann)和洛桑酒店管理学院(EHL)的学生合作的成果。该酒店是瑞士国家展览的一大地标建筑物



这一届博览会还推动了当地经济的发展,并使主办城市的面貌焕然一新。博览会付出的巨大努力、激动人心的建筑和 “神奇的时刻”都给420万参观者留下了深刻的印象




Original English Text

Expo ’02 – 20 years on

A. Introduction

This article looks back on the famous national exposition which took place 20 years ago and was called Expo ’02. It was the last Swiss national exposition and was held in 2002 in the cities of NeuchâtelYverdon-les-BainsMurtenBiel/Bienne.

It is traditional in Switzerland to make a, political, social, demographical, assessment of the country every 25 years or so by means of a national exhibition. The purpose of these expositions is to show the people where Switzerland as a country is and where it aims to be at.

The previous expositions were held in Zurich in 1883, Geneva in 1896, Bern in 1914, Zurich in 1939, and Lausanne in 1964. During the 1896, 1914 and 1939 exhibitions, the Swiss army theme dominated the three events reflecting a desire by the country to demonstrate its independence. The event of 1939, in particular, was largely the product of the prevailing "spiritual defense of the nation" policy of Switzerland.

The 1964 national exhibition in Lausanne however presented a futuristic vision of the country. It mainly showcased future modes of transport and the improvement of daily living for stay-at-home mothers which was called the "house of tomorrow" where products such as dishwashers became were presented.

Held at the height of the Cold War, the 1964 edition showcased Swiss values whilst the 2002 exposition sought to give a futuristic glimpse of Switzerland and promote the country as an open and forward-looking nation with a concern for its environmental integrity. Its main theme was water and Switzerland's commitment to securing peace abroad.

B. Expo ’02

Back in the early ‘90s, many of the political class feared what we call in Switzerland the "Röstigraben", a word defining the cultural separation that exists between the German and French speaking parts of Switzerland. Therefore, in an effort to unite the country again, some suggested a national exposition since the last one which took place in Lausanne in 1964 had been a major success. Therefore it was decided to organise a new national exhibition to celebrate the turn of the millennial.

To illustrate the diversity of Switzerland which is its key attribute, the national exhibition was spread over different cities:

- Yverdon-les-Bains (French speaking)

- Neuchâtel (French speaking)

- Murten (German speaking)

- Biel (Bilingual German-French speaking)

A mobile boat on the lakes that was travelling from one location to the other represented the canton of Jura (French speaking) which does not have any lakes.

An idea by one of the very first initiators of the project, who was a famous architects of Neuchâtel, introduced the name of ArtePlages. This contraction between "art" and "plages" (art and beaches) designates the areas for exhibitions on the shore of the lake. These structures would be completely dismantled at the end of the event which made it possible to create spaces quickly without having to face long procedures of public inquiry. Each arteplage was created with its own theme and offered numerous pavilions and animations. In total, 139 exhibitions were eventually presented during Expo ’02.

C. Arteplages and Themes

1. Neuchâtel – Nature and Artificiality

On the Arteplage Neuchâtel, everything revolves around nature and artificiality: high-tech poetry lets nature merge with artificialness. We are dependent on our environment, and we structure it according to our needs. Here, body and spirit, science and fiction, are merged into one.

The curiosity and the interest of the public meant that these architectural wonders were a great success. The exhibitions displayed at the Expo02 arteplages in Neuchâtel transported the visitors into the technological future and its artificialness.

The futuristic looking peninsula gave the impression of three big flying saucers. These structures were supposed to represent pebbles; an Icon of the Swiss beaches. The green lights actually were hundreds of shining plastic reeds surrounding the structure.

Below you will find a descriptions of the main exhibitions located in Neuchâtel.


This construction housed the “Biopolis” exposition In it was the city of the future as it offered a glimpse of the future where modern biological research would become a reality. Visitors were able to discover the new products that would be available in the future thanks to the latest biological research.

People were also exposed to the world of robotics where man and machine had become one. It posed the question whether man would live together with this high technology in the future and whether the boundary between natural and artificial would completely dissolve.

Beaufort 12

An interesting exhibit was a disaster scenario where the raw power of nature was unleashed in the form of a hurricane. Visitors could enter a simulator and be assaulted by immense winds.

Beaufort 12 designated the wind force of a hurricane. A storm of this severity not only causes immense damage, it also inflicts great suffering and grief. Objects found in the wake of natural disasters as well as pictures and interviews with victims testify to the power of nature. An artificially created landscape would open up as if Neuchâtel Arteplage was being engulfed by a disaster, with mud slides, avalanches, fire and wind. A storm simulator let you feel on your own skin what it’s like to be hit by a gale-force wind.

Last but not least, an emergency shelter under the model landscape showed how risks can be minimized – by solidarity, prevention and technology.

Palace of Equilibrium

Housed in a wooden sphere towering 27 meters above the ground, the palace of equilibrium was showcased to raise awareness concerning environmental matters and sustainable development.

Aerial photographs of our planet, commentaries on the global prerequisites for sustainable development and reports on what had been achieved so far were also presented. The message already back in 2002 was: "sustainability is not something that can be delegated; it requires planning and action by each and every one of us in our daily lives".


The goal of the "Manna" exhibit was to question people their consumption habits and think about what is natural and artificial in our diet. Multiple aromas and fragrances were showcased to raise awareness about the artificial production of aromas.

2. Yverdon – Me and the Universe

The colorful Yverdon-les-Bains arteplage featured soft, round, sensual shapes, like hills covered with flowers and synthetic materials: it was called the Garden of the Senses. The theme in this location was “Me and the universe” and it investigated the interaction between humans and the world around them.

Six Hills

The hill-range landscape was designed to be a constantly blooming and scented sea of flowers. The seasonal flowers bloomed in succession and produced a glorious show. Visitors could explore the park visiting the hills fully decorated with flowers. The gentle, fragile interior of the forum offered the visitor a real explosion of lights, materials and colours.

The Cloud

The main attraction in Yverdon was the cloud which was hanging above the waters of lake Neuchâtel. With 31,140 jets and 80 pumps which created a kind of fog on the lake, it seemed as though the cloud was floating in the air. People could walk on the metal walkway and in the cloud itself.

By means of these conceptions where hues, fragrances, images, and urges to touch, smell, taste and observe where exhibited, the arteplage of Yverdon was created to encourage visitors to discover or better perceive the world of their ideas and feelings.

3. Biel – Power and Freedom

The Biel arteplage's major focus was on the theme "Power and Freedom". The way designers interpreted the theme on the architectural and landscape design levels was the rigidly constructed arteplage Biel-Bienne  as symbols of power in contrast to the vegetal and organic park situated at the shore of the lake.

Strangers in Paradise

One of the expositions was Strangers in Paradise and showed how great the cultural and social diversity of Switzerland is. On the entertaining ride through an imaginary Switzerland, visitors could imagine their personal image of Switzerland.

In this attraction, visitors sat in system-controlled shopping trolleys and glided through a three-story building for eleven minutes. The exhibition invited visitors to experience Switzerland with the openness and playfulness of a child. Just like when you sat in your shopping trolley and the consumer paradise passed you by.

Money and Value

Another famous exhibition was the money-destroying machine which cut twenty to thirty million francs to shreds for all to see during the course of the Expo. What the exposition wanted to show was money from its worthless side and at the same time highlight those treasures whose value is immeasurable.

This was heavily criticized by certain visitors as many did not know what the message was behind these exhibitions.

4. Murten – Instant and Eternity

The medieval town of Murten was in itself transformed into arteplage. But for many visitors however, its Monolith, a rusty cube that floated on the lake off of the town, was one of the highlights of Expo.02. Accessible by boat the rusty cube was a symbol of the past, and its sheer size and imposing facades demonstrated that the past cannot easily be forgotten.


Why speak about the past? The Monolith contained a 360-degree panorama of the Battle of Murten, a battle in 1476 between the Duke of Burgundy (today’s France) and the Confederates of Bern (today’s Switzerland). This exposition was a reflection of “yesterday's Switzerland” which gave the town its historic significance.

On the other hand, a second panorama contained in the rusty cube presented a panorama visioning a modern-day Switzerland.

The images on the theme of creation show Switzerland both with its clichés and from completely unexpected perspectives. The panorama intended to encourage visitors to create a current, personal image of Switzerland and to question their previous perceptions.

5. Jura – Meaning and Motion

The Jura arteplage was unlike any other. Instead of being attached on the shore like the other arteplages, it actually was a reconverted boat that was used to transport gravel. What stood out the most about this boat was that it would travel from on arteplage to another passing through the canals that link the three lakes of Murten, Biel and Neuchâtel.

Pirate Ship

The modern barque cruised freely from one arteplage to another and constantly changed. The events and exhibitions on board were also characterized by unpredictability making it an event every time. As a pirate ship, the mobile arteplage of Jura was mobile in every sense of the word: it was changeable and independent, offering adventurous passengers a brief stay in space, time and their imagination. These are the very characteristics that define the canton of Jura itself.

6. What is left of the Exhibition in Neuchâtel

One of the main issues with the exhibition for which it was criticised, was its sustainable continuation; almost nothing of it is left anywhere to be seen. A few monuments here and there have still been kept and have been used for other purposes. For example, the wooden sphere at the Neuchâtel arteplage was bought by the CERN which is the European Council for Nuclear Research in Geneva.

Another remaining survivor of Expo. 02 which still is in use to this day is the Palafitte Hotel in Neuchâtel. It was built back in 2002 as part of the Swiss national exhibition Expo.02. It is the result of a collaboration between renowned architect Kurt Hofmann and students from the hotel management school EHL in Lausanne. The hotel is one of the last landmarks of the Swiss national exhibition.

It was originally supposed to be dismantled but thanks to the quality of the construction it has lasted over 20 years. A special and unique feature about this Hotel is that it also followed the theme of arteplages as it is the only Hotel in Europe that is built on water.


After 5 months, this unique event came to an end. Expo.02 was dubbed a success because it was able to combine three of the assets that make Switzerland so rich: its landscapes, its architectural and creative talents, and the popular enthusiasm. In total, one out of two Swiss visited the exhibition and on average returned 2.4 times. Expo.02 boasted more than 10 million entries, more than the 1998 Universal Fair in Lisbon.

It also gave a boost to the local economy and a fresh look to the host towns. The 4.2 million visitors remember the tremendous amount of effort, the exciting architecture and the "magic of the moment".

However, not everyone was as enthusiastic about the exposition. Some people questioned what the purpose of it was and what message it was trying to convey. Also overshadowing the excitement of the exhibition was the total cost of the project. Initially estimated at 1.4 billion francs, the Parliament had to vote several times for additional funds. Of the resulting 1.6 billion francs, the Confederation paid 930 million francs, the cities and cantons 85 million francs, and the rest came from private funds.

For the public, too, a visit to Expo02 weighed heavily on the wallet: entrance fees, parking, souvenirs and shuttle buses were sometimes considered too expensive.

The 20th anniversary of Expo ’02 gave the people the opportunity to reminisce on that special event. In 2027, Switzerland will once again host a national exhibition which gives the country the ideal framework to reflect on its future and actively shape it. We at La Soleille Family Office are excited and looking forward to see what that National Exposition will look like and what it has to offer.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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