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Different Residency permits


Several documents can prove the right to stay or to reside in the beautiful landscapes of Switzerland. The most important thing is to understand carefully which one corresponds to your own situation the best.


Here we will be presenting the main residency permits that are offered to foreigners specially coming from non-European countries. There are plenty of reasons for moving into a country such as Switzerland, this is the reason for there being various types of visas and residency permits. You may consider moving to Switzerland for studies or work for example, in this case the study and work visa will be two completely different matters and authorizations.  


Different Permits (For non-European foreigners):


L Permit (Less than 1 year)


What it is: Short-term residents are foreigners who stay temporarily in Switzerland for a specific purpose, generally for less than one year, whether they are fully employed. European nationals are entitled to this permit upon presentation of an employment contract of between three months and one year. Employment relationships lasting less than three months in a calendar year are not subject to this authorization, but to what is called a "registration procedure" where you are simply declaring your arrival in the respective city. This permit may be extended up to a total of twelve months. All EU/EFTA nationals seeking employment are entitled to an EU/EFTA L permit, which does not entitle them to social security benefits.


Requirements: You must have an employment contract or a declaration of employment (a promise of employment). The stay must be of at least 4 months.


B Permit (Long stays)


What it is: A residence permit for foreigners that have entered Switzerland to reside on a permanent basis, whether for gainful employment or not. For third-country nationals, the residence permit is usually not longer than one year the first time. There are several means to obtain a B permit: through a remunerated work, by paying lump-sum tax, or by obtaining a student’s visa.


Initial permits for remunerated work can only be granted within the maximum numbers fixed each year and in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of the Aliens Act. Normally, these permits are renewed from year to year, provided that there are no reasons (e.g., crimes, welfare dependency, labor market) to incite the contrary. Only in certain cases there is a right to extend the annual residence permit. In practice, the annual residence permit is usually extended for as long as the person is entitled to unemployment benefits.


Permits by paying lump-sum tax is also limited by the annual quota by the Federal government. It is authorized by the Cantonal governments and confirmed by the Federal government, with a deemed tax base according to the assets and renvenue of the applicants. The tax base is normally deemed for every 5 years. This type of permit is also renewed annually. It should be noted that holders of permits by paying lump-sum tax should not have gainful employment in Switzerland.


For permits by obtaining a student’s visa, normally it is applied with the help of the school/university in which the student has registered. This type of permits are renewed annually, and are cancelled automatically upon completion of their studies in Switzerland.


Requirements: Have an employment contract or a declaration of commitment (a promise of hire) for a period of at least 12 months, or an official written tax base deemed by one of the Cantonal governments, or an offer letter from a Swiss school/university.


C Permit (Permanent Resident)


What it is: Foreigners with a residence permit obtain a settlement permit after five to ten years of residence in Switzerland (Note: B permits by obtaining a student’s visa is not eligible to obtain a C permit). The right of residence is of indefinite duration and is not subject to any conditions. The Federal Office for Migration determines the date from which the competent cantonal authority may issue the settlement permit. Third-country nationals may, in principle, obtain a settlement permit after ten years of regular and uninterrupted residence. U.S. citizens are subject to special regulations. Foreigners with an establishment permit are no longer subject to the FTA (Free Trade Agreement); they are free to choose their employer and the tax is no longer levied at source.


How to get it:  You need to have lived (with or without employment) in Switzerland for 5 years, unless you are from a third world country which would extend this mandatory residence time to 10 years. In order to obtain the C permit, language tests must also be passed.


Annuitant Visa


What it is:An annuitant may be admitted to Switzerland if the person concerned has reached the age of 55, has special personal ties to Switzerland and has sufficient financial means. For the pensioner to be accepted as having sufficient financial means, it must be practically impossible for him to ever have recourse to the local social assistance. This means that the pensioner must have sufficient resources to exceed the amount that entitles him to supplementary benefits. This amount includes the amount of his rent, the amount of health insurance premiums and CHF 11,760 per year for other expenses. In addition, the person wishing to settle in Switzerland must declare that he or she has retired from professional life and that he or she undertakes not to engage in any gainful activity in the future, either in Switzerland or abroad, except for the management of his or her own assets. The spouse and children of the pensioner may be admitted into Switzerland under the usual conditions of family reunification.


How to get it: The application for entry must be submitted to the Swiss representation in the national's country of residence and a correspondence address must be provided to the competent authorities. The person concerned must have reached the age of 55, needs special personal ties to Switzerland and of course, sufficient financial means to exceed the amount that entitles him to supplementary benefits (Rent, insurance premiums and other expenses)






Info relatives to Swiss embassy in China and the services they can provide



Visa - entry to and residence in Switzerland (Federal)



Staying - Working and Living in Switzerland (Cantonal)



Visa - Requirements toward Chinese



Switzerland - No Lucrative Activity



Switzerland - Annuities



Neuchâtel - General Annuities recouvrements info



Neuchâtel - Entry and Staying in Switzerland



Neuchâtel - Family regrouping









UE-AELE - Rentiers





1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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