
当前位置:首页 > 资讯动态 > 瑞士DNA > 雷梭勒邀请您参加年度秋季野炊派对!

































当地特色奶酪火锅(Swiss Fondue









我们认为最能体现纳沙泰尔瑞士火锅传统和味道的餐厅是La Taverne Neuchâteloise


La Taverne Neuchâteloise地址:

Rue de l'Orangerie 52000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland



国际钟表博物馆(Musée international dhorlogerie










Musée international dhorlogerie是一个国际博物馆,见证了瑞士手表制造的演变历史。在这里,您将了解到一个传统的制造业是如何适应当今世界的发展,而这个行业又是如何能够代代相传,不忘初心。


Musée international dhorlogerie地址: 

Rue des Musées 29 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds



葡萄藤与葡萄酒博物馆(Museum of Vine and Wine












Museum of Vine and Wine地址:

Château de Boudry 2017 Boudry



杜佩罗酒店餐厅(Hotel Du Peyrou








Hotel Du Peyrou地址:

Restaurant Hôtel Du Peyrou

Avenue DuPeyrou 1

2000 Neuchâtel







在这个一年一度的秋季聚会中,雷梭勒将承担传统纳沙泰尔风格午宴的所有费用,即多蕾(La Torrée,这是一种传统的纳沙泰尔式午宴,是在牧场上准备一个大火堆,点燃篝火,在余烬中烤熟香肠和土豆来招待客人。



我们将于上午10:00在雷梭勒的纳沙泰尔办公室(地址:Rue Pury 1, 2000 Neuchatel)全体集合,在此我们将对当天的日程安排做一个简短的说明,解释必要的安全措施,确保在这个特殊的活动日大家能够注意安全。为了纪念第一届年度野炊派对,我们特意制作了与这个年度秋季聚会有关的限量纪念品,并将把这些礼物送给秋季聚会的参加者。








雷梭勒的瑞士团队会协助大家烹饪和准备食物。 经典的多蕾由以下食材与材料组成:一根纳沙泰尔香肠、一个土豆、卷心菜叶、烘烤纸、报纸和绳子。大约需要一个小时的时间才能煮好。






在一顿丰盛的午餐后,雷梭勒为孩子们准备了一场代际沟通主题茶会,孩子们可以借此机会了解“家族”的概念,而家长们则会学习到代际沟通的科学方法。茶会将由雷梭勒家族传承学院的成员Christoph Sanne先生主持和分享。













雷梭勒瑞士办公室电话:+41 32 722 68 78


客户经理(Steven)电话:+41 78 909 61 35



Original English Text


Invitation to La Soleille Annual Autumn Party!




COVID-19 has interfered with our daily life ever since last year. To help enlighten this situation by gathering our friends and families together, La Soleille had decided to throw our very first Annual Autumn party. We would like to invite our beloved customers and friends, especially those who are currently visiting or living in Switzerland to join us on a two-day event here in Neuchatel, to make a toast to our loved ones, as we still have each other to overpass such difficult times.


Date:  Tuesday-Thursday October 26th-28th, 2021 (tentative)

Place: City of Neuchatel



First Day recommended events


We gather our friends and family to Neuchatel. You are recommended to arrive in Neuchatel one day earlier so that you wont miss out our events.  Please feel free to ask for our help with hotel recommendation and reservation.


We have gathered a few exciting and interesting places for our participants of La Soleille's Annual Autumn Party to visit during their first day here at Neuchatel. 


Lake Cruise 


Most cities here in Switzerland have amazing lakes and mountain views. Neuchatel, without any doubt, shares the same features of that. Neuchatel is a historical city that shares the same features as a modern city. While visiting Neuchatel, you need to hop on a boat and view Neuchatel from the lake. We had sourced out different lake cruises for you to participate in. 


Cruising on a yacht around the iconic Lake in Neuchatel, you will understand and feel the presence of Mother Nature. The lake breeze is blowing through your hair while you are speechless with the remarkable view of Neuchatel. 



Local Swiss Fondue 


There is a saying here in Switzerland; you never came to Switzerland unless you had tried Swiss fondue. Swiss Fondue was founded in 1699, and it was introduced as Switzerland's national dish ever since the 1930s. Swiss Fondue is made up of Swiss cheese and Swiss white wine. Once the Swiss Fondue starts boiling, you know it's ready for you to dip in your freshly baked bread into the tasty Swiss fondue. 


Each region in Switzerland has different variants of making the Swiss fondue, but it does not affect the genuine tradition and taste of the Swiss fondue. In Neuchatel, the Swiss cheese that they use is Gruyère and Emmental. 


The restaurant we believe best reflects the tradition and taste of a Swiss fondue in Neuchatel is La Taverne Neuchâteloise.


La Taverne Neuchâteloise

Rue de l'Orangerie 5, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland 



International Museum of Watches 


There shall be no introduction to Switzerland's watch industry. Worlds most renowned luxury watch brands are mainly from Switzerland. Switzerland is known to be the pinnacle in the watchmaking industry. The Swiss watch industry has been around ever since the 19th century. Someone who has never been to Switzerland knows that Swiss watches define luxury and well-designed watches. La Soleille's team very well recommends that you and your family visit and understand the Swiss watch industry, as it is a remarkable experience.


There are several Swiss luxury watch brands' manufacturing factories located in Neuchatel. However, we understand that it is very time-consuming to visit so many different watch manufacture brands. Our team has found one of the best watch museums near the city of Neuchatel. Musée international dhorlogerie is an international museum that explains the history of the evolution of Swiss watch manufacture. You'll be able to understand how a traditional manufacturing industry can adapt to today's world, while the industry is able to be passed down generations and generations. 


Musée international dhorlogerie 

Rue des Musées 29 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds



Museum of Vine and Wine


When we think about a winery, we think about wines from Bordeaux in France and Nappa Valley in California. We usually do not think about Switzerland as a country that is known for its wines. You probably never tried a Swiss wine outside of Switzerland. The reason being that there is only about 2% of Switzerland's total wine production being exported. The rest is all produced and enjoyed within the boundaries of Switzerland. The tradition of wine and viticulture in Switzerland is very old, beginning no later than the Roman era. Plentiful exceptional Swiss wines are being produced every year that you will only be able to enjoy if you're in Switzerland. Why not take this chance while you're in Neuchatel, one of the few Swiss wine regions that produce wines in Switzerland, to taste and understand the wine culture here in Switzerland. 


Among all the choices being presented, La Soleille selected a Museum of Vine & Wine located in Neuchatel for you and your loved ones to explore. You'll be able to taste some of the finest Swiss wines there is to offer around that area. 


Museum of Vine and Wine,

Château de Boudry 2017 Boudry



Hotel Du Peyrou


We had previously introduced to you the traditional national dish of Switzerland, Swiss fondue. La Soleille would also love to show you and your family a different side of Switzerland. A combination of traditional and modern Swiss cuisine. We strongly recommend you and your loved ones to dine in Hotel DuPeyrou, a historic castle built in the 18th century.


Hotel Du Peyrou

Restaurant Hôtel Du Peyrou

Avenue DuPeyrou 1

2000 Neuchâtel



Day 2: Our main Annual Autumn Party  


La Soleille's Annual Autumn Party officially starts on the second day, on which La Soleille has prepared an eventful and adventurous day for our friends and families. Throughout this day, we will get to understand Swiss culture, enjoy different dining experiences, and get to know one another. In this annual Autumn party, La Soleille will cover all the costs for a traditional Neuchatel style lunch - La Torrée, a traditional neuchateloise lunch that consists of preparing a big fire in a pasture and cooking sausages and potatoes in the embers. 


Meet and Greet 10:00 am 


We will all meet at La Soleille's Neuchatel office (Rue Pury 1, 2000 Neuchatel) at 10:00 am in the morning. We will give a short explanation of the schedule for the day. Explain the necessary safety measures to make sure nobody gets hurt on this special event day. To commemorate the first Annual Autumn party, we had made limited souvenirs related to this annual autumn party. We will give out these gifts to our Autumn Party's attendees. 


Travel to the destination 10:30 am 


After finishing the meeting at La Soleille's office, we will be travelling towards the mountain location. Due to limited transportation provided by La Soleille, if you do have a personal vehicle, you could drive to the destination by yourself. However, if you are unsure about the designated location, you can follow behind La Soleille's car.


Prepare La Torrée 11:00 am


Families who are joining could also bring some food of their liking to share with other families. Once we arrive at the designated location, we will divide the work for different participants to prepare for the La Torrée lunch. Through this activity, children can learn the importance of teamwork. We will start by picking up various types of wood types. Once we have finished our preparation, we will then begin the bonfire. 


Ready to Cook 11:30 am


La Soleille's Swiss team would assist everyone with the cooking and preparation of the food. A typical La torrée lunch consists of the following items, one Neuchatel sausage, one potato, cabbage leaves, baking paper, newspaper, and rope. It will take around an hour to be cooked. 


Enjoy the La Torrée 12:30 pm


Once the food is ready, we can all sit around the bonfire and enjoy a traditional Neuchateloise lunch. While enjoying such a unique dining culture of Neuchatel, parents, depending on themselves, could pair their lunch with local Swiss wines. 


Intergenerational Communication Theme Tea Party 14:30 pm


After a filling lunch, La Soleille has prepared an Intergenerational communication theme tea party for the kids to learn while enjoying a day out. This Intergenerational communication theme tea party will be hosted and shared by Mr. Christoph Sanne, a member of the Family Succession Academy of La Soleille.  


Outdoor Activities 15:00 pm


We will then move to our next event, a plentiful of outdoor workshops and activities for children and parents to participate. There would be different sporting competitions such as badminton, frisbee, and even kite flying. Children can gather around the bonfire, and each of them could prepare a musical talent that they wish to perform on the Annual Autumn party's music talent show.


Cleaning up 16:00pm


After an eventful and adventurous day, our Annual Autumn Party has come to an end, and we will then ask all the participants to help with the cleaning of the area. While cleaning up the site, we can all enjoy the beautiful Swiss sunset. 



We look forward to you Joining us 


We are more than happy to see you at La Soleille's first Annual Autumn party. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us before October 23th, 2021 if you and your family wishes to participate in such an event, so that we will reserve places for you and your family.  



Neuchatel office number: +41 32 722 68 78

E-mail: info@lasoleille.com

Account Manager(Steven)'s number: +41 78 909 61 35




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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