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瑞士小记者站——神秘的第七大陆 · 南极!



神秘的第七大陆 · 南极!

 本篇文章由 博索雷学院 8年级学生  Felix供稿



       1911年12月14日,罗纳尔 阿蒙森成为了第一个踏上南极点的勇士,从此人类开始进入南极、考察南极。 2018年11月26日,14岁的我也登上了Ortelius号,开启了前往南极的行程,我内心也充满了对这片净土的期待与向往。 南极如果非要用诗句和词语来形容的话,可能就是“遗世独立,羽化而登仙”。她可以是虚无缥缈的,也可以是可感知的。对这次博索雷学院所提供的宝贵文化之旅,我的体会既是庆幸、又感激。



























English Version

I am coming, Antarctic!

Before I went to explore the Antarctica, my exploration of the Antarctica only stayed in the icebergs, cute penguins, but when I really entered the Antarctica, I discovered that this mysterious Seventh Continent had such a color.

On December 14, 1911, Ronald Amundsen became the first person to set foot on the South Pole. From then on, humans began to enter the South Pole and inspect the Antarctica. 

On November 26, 2018, at the age of 14, I also boarded the Ortelius and started the trip to Antarctica.

Geneva - Madrid - Buenos Aires - Ushuaia

We followed the school, departing from Geneva, and all the way to the southernmost tip of the world - Ushuaia. At the port of Ushuaia, our icebreaker is already waiting for us, and the staff has already stood on the deck to welcome us. When we all boarded the ship, the ship was ready to depart.


Sitting in the lounge of the Ortelius, I heard the captain rang the whistle, the boat started slowly, I looked out at the window, the people on the shore waved at us, and we waved.

Roaring Strait - Drake Strait 

The most common way to reach the Antarctica - through the Drake Strait. On this strait, the space step, Michael Jackson's 45-degree tilt were easy to do. came in and there was a vomit bag around the boat just in case. Sailing on the Drake Strait, the waves reach 40 meters and the wind speed is very fast. When the ship is getting steady, you have entered the South Pole.

Beauty like heaven – Neko Harbour 

Wearing snowshoes, stepping up the hills step by step, looking at the birds, the birds are flying in the sky, the penguins are free to slide on the snow, the sea doesn’t have any wave, the sea and the sky are connected, like a paradise.

Ice swimming - the way to feel the temperature of the Antarctica 

At a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius, people walked into the water barefoot, the stones in the water pierced the cold feet, and the screams echoed in the iceberg. I also made a 'crazy person'. Although my feet were frozen and unconscious, I did such an unforgettable thing in the South Pole.

Activities - Further Experience Antarctica 

In the Antarctica, many of the previous arrangements were adjusted for weather reasons, and we have encountered such a situation. But fortunately, I did two activities: kayaking and camping. The red kayak floated on the water. When I gently paddle the paddle, there was a layer of ripples on the water. The sound of birds came from afar. The leader said: 'Let's not draw, quietly listen to the sound of the Antarctic. 

'We have stopped the paddles and listened to the ears. The sound of the ice rubbing under the water, the sound of the penguin jumping out of the water, the sound of the birds circling in the sky, all heard clearly in silence. There is no sound of the city, only those unique, sounds from the South Pole, intoxicating. 'Look over there. 'With the direction of the leader's fingers, we looked at the island. ’

This is where you camp tonight. The assault boat slowly approached the island. When we boarded the island, the coach made the safety instructions on the island and gave us the shovel. We each found a good position and started work. As time went on, we also did Well, your own hiding place, lay a sleeping bag. However, the wind is getting bigger and bigger, and the snow is getting bigger and bigger. I saw what the team leader said with the walkie-talkie and worried. 

Later, the team leader said loudly: 'The weather causes us to return to the boat now, and everyone has to pack up. 'Obviously, we are all very sorry, but because of safety, we had to hurry to pack things, jump on the assault boat and return to the ship. Both of these activities have allowed us to experience different Antarctica, endless climates and lovely creatures.

Lonely South Pole 

Antarctica, uninhabited. In this place, only the tourists who come and go, the scientists who visited, did not have humans who really lived here. However, the Antarctic is home to some animals, penguins, whales, seals, and krill, all living here.

The Antarctic Convention stipulates that Antarctica does not belong to any country. Every visitor to the island has strict requirements for the protection of animals, icebergs, and historical sites.

Antarctica, I hope that you are all well. 

Icebergs have been reduced due to climate change, and the homes on which animals depend for survival are slowly disappearing. The emergence of the Antarctic Convention limits people's use of Antarctica but does not stop climate warming. When we entered the South Pole, we all praised the beauty of the Antarctic in unison. When we were lying on the iceberg, we all sighed that this white is so fascinating. We have an obligation to wait for this piece of snow.



This trip to Antarctica freed me from the image of the South Pole, where there were not only penguins, but also other lovely creatures. Some icebergs still retain the pace of people's exploration. The Antarctic is a gift, reserved for all mankind, it is the last piece of pure land, let us be fascinated. I hope that I will be able to set foot on the South Pole again soon. I think so.

The boat started to bump again, and the high waves in the distance seemed to be welcoming us. The iceberg disappeared at the stern and the ship sailed in the direction of the city. Antarctica, I hope we will meet again.




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