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瑞士小记者 疫情之下的生活与思考


瑞士小记者 疫情之下的生活与思考



PART1 疫情爆发,留学生归国之旅


PART2 隔离小记


PART3 疫情下的思考

       现在是7月下旬, 新冠病毒已经影响了我们6个多月。我不是一个病毒专家,但是我还是想以一个学生的身份,来分享一些我对新冠病毒的一些想法。虽然现在有很多人在讨论病毒的来源,但是不可否认的是,新冠病毒的确是在中国开始爆发的。我们是第一批接受考验的,虽然一开始有一些手忙脚乱,我们还是在两个月内成功抑制住了蔓延的火苗。武汉在病毒爆发伊始,就直接被封城,武汉人在很长一段时间只能留在自己的家里,这也是一个很大的考验。中国也随后推行了健康码,帮助追踪人们的路径。海关人员也在机场接待一批又一批的海外归来人群,并将他们送去隔离。正是因为这些措施,我们现在也能去商场购物,与朋友打篮球等等。最近,北京迎来了一波反弹,但有了之前的经验,北京在非常短的时间内,有效地控制住了病毒的蔓延。新冠病毒是一个全球性的公共卫生危机,也影响了几乎所有的国家。我先从瑞士说起,瑞士的第一例病毒发生在2月25号,之后,就迎来了一波迅速的蔓延。病例数飞增,也迫使瑞士政府做出很多的防疫措施,比如要求人们保持社交距离,减少出门时间,关闭滑雪场等非必要场所…瑞士政府也在不久后公布了关闭学校的政策,国际学生也就在这个政策颁布之后,纷纷踏上了回国的航班。


Original English Texts

Life During a Pandemic by Felix (Grade 10 student from Beau Soleil)

In 2020, the outbreak of coronavirus has become one of the issues that all the people care about. As the government announced the policy that all schools needed to be shut down due to the increasing amounts of coronavirus in Switzerland, we all began to panic and wondered what will be the next step for us.The dorms had become much emptier than before and almost all of the students had packed up and returned to their homes. School gave us a lot of support by arranging vehicles to take the students to the airport in one batch and we were arranged in an orderly manner without any panic. The school also set up an online learning platform for everyone, and after we left the school, we would all start our online classes. The school also uses online learning network very frequently on weekdays, so I believe that Chinese students are no stranger to online learning, but because of the time difference, our overall timetable is still a little disrupted. We managed to get on a plane to go back to China (which was a relief), and began taking online lessons that the school offered to catch up on what we missed. Before the flight, I prepared masks, plastic gloves, goggles and protective clothing. The flight connected through Europe and eventually landed in Shanghai.

After waiting for two hours on the plane, the customs staff came to the plane and checked the temperature for us and they asked us to fill the form that asks about the places we’ve been, if we made contact with any COVID patient, etc. I ended up spending more than 6 hours in the airport to go through the process that is vital. Then, in the evening, the bus came and took us to take the nucleic acid test. The volunteers managed the process and arranged for us to stay overnight in the hotel to wait for the results (The policy now is everyone coming from other countries need to stay in hotel for quarantine for 14 days).

The next morning, they told me that my test was negative. I was really happy to receive this result and now I could go home for 14 days of quarantine. My mom had already been there waiting for me and all the airline staff were wearing protective clothes in 20-degree Celsius weather. They worked really hard to ensure everyone is safe and all the patients can be cared for in the hospital safely. I am now out of quarantine and am able to go out while wearing a mask. I am grateful for the care I received when I landed in Shanghai. I appreciate the customs staff and the volunteers who made sure that we went through the process smoothly, they always tried to comfort anyone that had negative feelings, even when they needed to work for long times each day. All the cities in China have worked together to stop the spread of the virus, and I believe this is something significant. The daily increments of cases in China has decreased drastically, and all the people here are getting everything back on track.

To be honest, I am quite sad due to the fact that I cannot go back to Switzerland when the third term starts, and it’s difficult not being able to see my friends. We are still not sure when we will be able to return to school. I hope that all the countries will be able to get the pandemic under control as soon as they can and that the world can soon go back to normal. It is the middle of July now and the virus has already existed for around six months. Although I am not an expert of this virus and cannot do that much positive changes to prevent it, I still have some thoughts and want to share it here.Obviously, this pandemic outbreaks first in China and I wasn’t there at that moment. Although we didn’t control it well at first place, I believe we did a great job from restricting people going out. For example, Wuhan was shut down completely for two months and no one could even leave the house except from doctors. We have a high cure rate and we effectively controlled the spread among the country. All the cities did a great job, we managed to publish an app to track people’s routine and we forced all the people that come from other countries or from Wuhan to do 14-day quarantine. Now, we can go to shopping malls, have a gathering with friends etc. In recent days, Beijing experienced a second wave of this virus, instead of causing big losses, they have effectively got it under control in a very short time using the earlier experiences.

As we all know, this global health crisis has impacted most of the countries. The first case in Switzerland was reported on the 25th of February, where it then spread at an astonishing speed. All the cities were reported to have cases and almost all the public places have been shut down, especially schools. International students then needed to head back to their own countries which was indeed an intelligent idea. Switzerland has high-standard medical equipment in the world, they managed to re-open the school in June. Although most of us did not go back because of flights issues, we can hopefully be back in September (I miss my friends so much) !Unfortunately, there are many countries that are still experiencing a lot of cases every day — one country being the USA. America now has over 3 million people affected. That’s an immense number. I sincerely wish that America can get well soon and I can’t wait to visit there as soon as possible. I also cannot wait for the restart of the NBA!

The policies in every country are quite similar — all countries send requirements or recommendations for people to stay home. This strategy has had some positive results; Asian countries have had some good examples, such as South Korea. People there wear masks and try not to go out. Although the cases there reached 10 thousand quickly, it slowed down quickly as well. In the end, I hope that all countries succeed in containing the epidemic; that all people's lives get back to normal; and all people remain healthy.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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