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瑞士小记者 未来可期——写在即将返校前夕


瑞士小记者 未来可期


       本篇文章由艾格隆在读生Year 10的Fiona供稿,讲述了疫情期间居家学习的感受,以及学校为了安全地开学而采取的一系列相关政策。Fiona同学即将于9月份学校开学时返校上课,让我们预祝她平安返校,新学期一切顺利!

1. 共克时艰


2. 重现曙光


3. 期待返校


4. 学校给予的保障

       自疫情开始,我就读的学校Aiglon College就频繁发送邮件来提醒疫情间的注意事项,特别是对于中国的学生,给予了多次问候和关照。首先是奔赴瑞士后的隔离措施。虽说瑞士十分及时地抑制了急速扩散的病毒,但作为拥有来着52个不同国家学生的国际化高中,外来学生携带病毒的概率是非常高的,这也是学校最难开学的原因之一。好在学校提前告知了这一点,并用合理方法划分了来自不同国家的学生:以世界卫生组织分划的高危国家和正常国家,来指定学生提前到校进行隔离或按时检疫。意外的是,学校会提供免费隔离住处,并自建了检疫站,使同学们返校放心,家长们安心。在疫情这样的特殊时期,外国学生也有了特殊关照。平时从中国一人前往瑞士都需要坐高铁一路转站再乘坐巴士上山,辗转奔波要在人多的公共场所待很久;考虑到这些时,原先计划是花费比乘坐公车多五六倍的车费打的从机场前往学校,却听闻学校安排了免费大巴,从机场开往学校,这一下解决了很多一路波折的麻烦。的确,来自各国的同学们也比公共交通工具上的陌生人更安全,更有迹可循。为了保证校内安全与卫生,学校只好暂停日用品店与练琴室的营业。本应是一件很麻烦的事,好在学校提供了文具和练琴室的预定网站,比起回校后到店购买,到校安排,网上预定反而更加方便。

5. 结尾


Original English Texts

In the beginning of the year, the world was hit by a raging storm caused by the corona virus. Reports and news about COVID-19 began to rush into people's life with the first snow of 2020. 2020 seems to have clouded over ever since. Students can only learn online; employees were forced to stay at home to wait for the virus to subside; small businesses closed down because they could not carry unlimited losses , big companies and brands also closed many branches and outlets... It's a battlefield in terms of the world.Not only China but also Switzerland have effectively solved the severe situation in short term. I thought that I could not go back to school this year, but in fact I could set off to Switzerland in September this year. This is be something I did not expect when I left school at the beginning of this year.

After being absent from school for about six months, my attachment to school becomes more intense when I only take online classes at home. No classmates to study with, local English communication environment to stay in, face-to-face teaching teachers, and the learning atmosphere brought by the school... Even reading lack of motivation. After half a year, I can finally go back to school. At the very least, we can get rid off our daily home quarantine and return to a normal student life, thus acknowledging that our world is half healed. My only worry is the possibility of being infected even protective measures have been well taken. Fortunately, the school has put a lot of solutions in place, which I would like to share with you based on what I have learnt

Since the beginning of the corona virus pandemic, my school, Aiglon College, has frequently sent emails to remind us of the precautions during the outbreak. In particular, it has given many greetings and care to Chinese students.Firstly, quarantine measures are taken after the students’ journey to Switzerland. Although Switzerland was quick to control the virus's rapid spread, as a global high school with students from 52 different countries, the risk of foreign students carrying the virus is very high, which is one of the reasons why it is difficult for schools to reopen. Fortunately, the school informed this in advance and divided the students from different countries in a reasonable way: high-risk countries and normal countries classified by the World Health Organization were designated to arrive early for quarantine or inspection. Surprisingly, the school will provide free quarantine accommodation, and set up its own quarantine station, so that students can go back to school and parents can rest assured.

In such a special period, Aiglon also will give foreign students special care. Usually, travelling alone from China to Switzerland needs to take a train all the way to the bus station and take a bus up to the mountain top, which have to stay in crowds for a long time; With this in mind, the original plan was to take a taxi from the airport to the school, which cost five or six times more than the bus. However, I heard that the school arranged a free bus from the airport to the school, which solved a lot of trouble along the way. Indeed, students from different countries are also safer and more traceable than strangers on public transports.

In order to ensure the school's safety, the school have to suspend the business of school shops and piano practice rooms. It should have been a very troublesome thing, but fortunately, the school has provided a booking website for stationery and piano practice room, which is more convenient to book online than to purchase in the store after returning to school.This arrangement solves my concern about the health problems caused by the school gathering. Although I will rely more on the Internet to avoid touching and contact during my school life. Only in this way can make the school start on time. Such a solution must be the decision made by the school management committee after in-depth discussion. In my opinion, it is also the best solution they could give. This is also the reason why I like this school more and believe that going abroad is the right choice in the first place.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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