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今年八月,雷梭勒陪伴我们的家庭参加了开学日,这些家庭的孩子分别被瑞士最好的寄宿学校中的三所录取:位于圣莫里茨德语区的阿尔卑斯山卓士学校(Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz,位于洛桑莱蒙湖畔的尚贝缇学院(Collège Champittet,以及位于奥隆河畔法语区的艾格隆学院(Aiglon College














1. 阿尔卑斯山卓士学校


























2. 尚贝缇学院




























3. 艾格隆学院































































Original English Text


Swiss Boarding School Opening Days




Starting a new life is exciting and promising, though it could be challenging as well. The same applies to kids especially when they start a new school life in a new country, in another continent and get to know a new culture. The focus of the school opening day is set on the well-being of the students.


This is why here at La Soleille we are truly engaged with our families and attend to the opening days with them, in order to bring our full support to ease the transition in Swiss boarding schools.


This August La Soleille accompanied our families whose kids are admitted in three of the best boarding schools in Switzerland for their school opening days: Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz in the German speaking Alps of St. Moritz, Collège Champittet in Lausanne lakeside and Aiglon College in the French speaking Alps of Villars-sur-Ollon.


A. The opening day – Welcome Procedures


Switzerland has reserved its great tradition of International boarding school excellency that you can feel on the opening day. Forthose  visiting the school for the first time, it could be a unique experience. 


The opening day is for welcoming students and their families, and its the perfect time for students and families to get to know each other, and get to know the schools representatives, staff, and the students boarding house parents.


This day is also for helping the kids set everything properly for their new life in the school, such as choosing the bed, the closet, the way to manage the money on campus, getting the uniforms, choosing the sports programmes and equipments, etc. Then the following days the kids will start their independent life at the school with a couple of integration days, during which they can take part in many activities so as to mingle with other fellow students and get preparedfor the school programs next week.


In the following parts, we will see how all these are unfoldingthis year for the three schools mentioned above, each with their own spirit and values.


1.  Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz

Founded in 1904, Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz is an international boarding school with around 200 boarding and 100 day school students aged 12 to 18. The  Spirit of Zuoz” defines the school philosophy and conveys its values of maintaining a balance between a strong sense of tradition and progressive thinking.


The philosophy of the school conveys not only traditional values but also a modern cosmopolitanism, which forms a unique basis for mastering future challenges. The focus is on personal character development and student-centred learning, including critical thinking, academic curiosity and leadership skills, sense of responsibility and community service, respect and tolerance for other cultures, creativity and global networking.


Openness to the world and tolerance are the cornerstones of this international community of more than 30 nations. Most students speak three to four languages, and the academic programmes have an international focus. At Lyceum Alpinum, students can complete programs taught in German, Italian and English, with possibilities for bilingual programmes.


During the opening day at Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, we can feel right away the German tradition of respecting the rules and the punctuality. The arrival was set on Wednesday 18th of September at 3pm sharp, not before and not after.


It started with dropping off the luggages by the drive through specially set for the occasion where the staff members took the luggages to the rooms.


Then students and their families were welcomed by the house parents and the admission officer. An introduction to the school calendar was given to the families so that they are parepared for the school holidays. Questions were asked by the school on the kids interest and hobbies so that arrangements can be made. The kids would be invited to join the schools baskeball team upon learning their gifts in sports. During this meeting, parents would be required to fill out application forms . It is at that moment that all details are reviewed such as the pocket money management. Kids can have a certain amount of cash set by the parents to spend on the campus. This step can take up to an hour. However, it can be filled in advance so that you can get done with it quickly.


After this step, there would be a welcoming program with a presentation of the philosophy of the school with their vision, mission statement and objectives. To summarize, the vision of the school is making students responsible global citizens who help shape the future. The mission is to make the students benefit from a holistic education that fosters their intellectual, physical and intellectual growth. And the objective is to combine both respect for tradition and innovation on the Spirit of Zuoz. During the presentation the sports programmes were introduced and the students should subscribe at least one of them.


The tour could then start by groups of multiple families, normally 45 minutes for each family, nevertheless, thanks to La Soleilles contacts with the admission director, we were lucky to have a 2 hours 45 minutes tour. During this tour we could visit the stadium, dining room and other facilities of the campus, though not the dormitories which parents are not allowed to see, in the tradition to drive students on their independence.


We had the privilege to meet in the dining room with the Principal and his wife as they are good friends of La Soleille. This is the best way for the families to get to know the institution they are leaving their kids with. The dinner takes place between 6:30pm and 7:15pm.


The opening day came to an end where it was time to say goodbye to the kid at the entry. It is a special moment that the family should take time.


2.  Collège Champittet Pully


Founded over 118 years ago in 1903, Collège Champittet in Pully offers an education based on values and a tradition of academic excellence to student. It is for day students aged  3 to 18 years  and boarding students from 11 to 18 years.


Collège Champittet works every day to inspire its students to be the best they can be and the school is ambitious for all of them to achieve more than they thought is possible in their personal, social and academic endeavors.


This aspiration is underpinned by a commitment to always act with courage, ambition, integrity, respect and openness.


Collège Champittet has enjoyed a reputation for providing a thorough, rigorous and well rounded education for their students for over a century, challenging each of them to reach their full potential.


As they have grown, they have been able to expand their education programmes and now offer a bilingual French / English programme and three highly regarded curricula.


This approach to education and choice of curricula is unique in Lausanne and ensures that their students receive a personalized education that best suits their needs.


During the opening day at Collège Champittet on Saturday 21st of August, you can feel a more easy going organization though the day starts much earlier with an arrival time set at 9:30am. We attended to the welcome desk with the kids for to sign up for the day and a quick Covid test before dropping the luggages in the dining room where they were all gathered. The schedule was not given, only explained. And we received a ticket to know our turn for registration.


We were then welcomed with a breakfast buffet with the President and the Admission Director served between 9:30-10:15am.


We could enjoy the sunny day outside where a nice setting was installed with chairs under the trees to have the 10:30 Directors presentation about Collège Champittet  and the values itstands for. It was followed by a lunch buffet.


At 12:15 we checked in for registration. It was at that moment that all details were reviewed (general questions, allergies, sports, etc.). The specificity of Collège Champittet is that the kids receive a credit card from the school (most other schools use cash). It can be used on the campus and outside. The parents decide the monthly amount to be put on the account. The parents will receive a monthly invoice for the credit card. At Champittet you dont meet the house parents but the registration showed us around the dorms where all the families could join and see the facilities.


The tour of the campus could then start with the Dean. This was with large groups and we were shown the classrooms with the teachers where we were told that non-French speaking students will have 12 hours of French class per week.


At 4:30 pm there was another speech that was not mandatory to attend, followed by a cocktail. After this the opening day reached to an end and it was time to say goodbye and wish all the best to our La Soleille kids.


3.  Aiglon College Villars-sur-Ollon


Founded in 1949, Aiglon College Villars-sur-Ollon is an evolving educational community that is more than simply a school.


Drawing from foundational principles as a basis of approach, at Aiglon, through the balanced development of mind, body, and spirit their community sets out together upon a journey that has the power to engage and enrich them.


They are committed to providing each Aiglonian with the tools they need to embark upon their own educational journey that begins with a strong academic foundation. Unique relationships with outstanding educators surrounded by a diverse cohort of peers in a beautiful location empower the students to achieve results that significantly exceed global averages. While students forge academic goals focused on the International Baccalaureate and IGCSE qualifications, and gain acceptance into a variety of top universities across the globe, they understand that grades and qualifications will only ever be the beginning.


The environment is vital to development. Aiglonians discover that the unique mountain top position provides a fresh perspective while offering the opportunity for challenge.


This spirit of expedition is also profoundly connected to the Aiglon lifestyle, ensuring that students develop a unique expertise from the moment they are entrusted into their care. They encourage students to take each bold new step in life with the confidence that comes from knowing that their spirit has been bolstered to thrive in this changing world.


On the opening day for new boarding students at Aiglon College on Thursday 26th of August, you could feel the mountain spirit of the French speaking Alps of Switzerland, with an easy going organization. The day started at 9:30am. When we arrived we first dropped the luggages to have them brought to the Chalet. Then we did the registration to get the kids name tags, a map and the schedule.


The day continued with the Chalet visits with significant wait as families had to visit one by one. At Aiglon, rooms are allocated before students arrive, but when visiting the dormitory, each family enters in turn and no two families can be in the dormitory at the same time. Early arriver has the priority in choosing which bed and headboard to occupy. As we arrived first we could choose the bed and the closet. Then we met the house parents to continue the Chalet visit with all the organization explained. The nice thing was that parents could stay for 45 minutes to help unpack, make the bed and see all the details with the kids. Around noon was the time for lunch with multiple menus (salad, pasta, meat, seafood).


Afterwards it was time for the official presentation of the school with a lot of different speeches. First a welcome speech from the Director, followed by the Boarding School Director, the Deputy Head of Academics. It was very informative. To summarize, 140+ new students and their families were invited to campus for moving in, uniform shopping, meeting new friends, getting to know their houses, connecting with teachers and house parents and socializing with one another. Sixty-three nationalities were represented, some tips were given, and we learnt that overall personal development and especially  efforts of students are capital over their academic success (bad grades and good efforts will be recognized and pushed in the good direction, bad grades and bad efforts will lead to a counsel) and we also learnt that a clear distinction is made between Physical Education and Sports (PE is the mandatory exercises on the timetable and sports are the extra activities). The most important information is that residency permit and attestation must be sent to the school every year.


One of the key events of the opening day was the Uniform Fair that we can attend by appointment. We were taken in charge by one person for this long moment to choose everything the students will need for the year from uniform, sports equipment, computer, etc.


To conclude the day we organized a La Soleille family dinner with the family we accompanied last year at Aiglon College and this years new families. The kids became good friends, and this way they would be already like a family within Aiglon College. The opening day came to an end and it was time to say goodbye after the dinner.


B. Tips to the kids


Beginning at a new boarding school is a big change for many families and we always want to ensure that students and parents experience a smooth transition into the boarding life. So this new life could be lived with all the excitement it should offer. We will give them all the advices they need to enjoy their road to independence. 


The Swiss boarding schools balance the academics with the well-being and personal development of the kids. They will never be completely on their own but will have a budget to manage for their personal expenses on campus and outside. We will provide them the weather forecasts for the first day so they know what they should wear. The first days will be guided by integration events that wont give them time to miss their parents with all the activities. They should prepare to meet new kids with many different international backgrounds with whom they will have great memories and long lasting friendships.


C. Tips to the parents


Most of the tips are towards the parents as the kids will adapt really quickly to their new environment and live an exiting and fulfillig life among the best boarding schools of the world.


Firstly on the preparation. We would gladly help them on this step gathering all the information they need and prepare the questions they should ask. We will help the parents prepare the itinerary to arrive on time at the opening day. Then they should fill in as many papers as they can in advance which we will help them get, so once on site the formalities can be done easily. The medical information such as allergies should also be ready to be given as most of the time they are asked on the opening day.


During the opening day, with a good preparation there wont be much left to organize. The main task is helping the kids choose the bed and closet when allowed inside dormitories, or help choose uniform and equipments when a fair is held. The opening day is also the time to set the budget for the kids at the boarding school. Most importantly, it is the day to make new friends and say hello to the ones already here.


Lastly, the parents should prepare to say goodbye and take a good moment for it. Coming back after goodbyes could create some drama.


It is advisable for parents to leave the children to the good hands of the school for the first couple of weeks, instead of taking them out of the school frequently. Some phone calls with the kids with encouragement would be good enough. It will be much helpful for the kids to quickly adapt themselves to the new environment and learn to be indepedent from their parents.


D. How the day should end


Preparing the end of the day is as important as preparing the opening day. As we just mentioned it before, coming back after goodbyes could create some drama.


There are two options. Either a dinner at the school, with the families met during the opening day or members of the schools direction. Or a dinner outside the school that we can organize with families that we accompanied into the school in the previous year, so the kids and families can enjoy the family spirit of La Soleille. 


In any case, the day should end with a proper goodbye in front of the school with the parents leaving afterwards and not coming back before the first weekend leave.




For the 2021/2022 academic year, we are really proud of La Soleille families’ kids for the successful opening days. We are happy about the successful journey they begin in Swiss boarding schools. We are looking forward to next years welcoming of new families with tailored services through all the steps.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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