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瑞士小记者 疫情之下的瑞士学校


瑞士小记者 疫情之下的瑞士学校




疫情下的旅途——By Fiona

       对于地区疫情相对严重的中国学生,校长也与家长们进行了全方面的沟通,从最开始未取消学生假期滞留学校计划,并接受请中国厨师多做些中餐的建议,到后来瑞士疫情逐渐严重后大家商议决定让学校为中国学生包机回家,学校为学生们提供了各种便利。家长们一如既往的细心和学校始终如一的理解,是一切问题解决的基础。令人唏嘘的是,全面的保护下依然有一两位学生在回国的途中遭到感染,学校也第一时间联系家长询问状况并如实报给全校师生,给出解决方案,让大家放心。现如今感染者也都在渐渐好转康复。放假后没多久,学校那边的神经便绷了起来,所有老师都没有放假的时间,而是回归学校,恢复岗位,开始准备更具有挑战性的网上教学。我相信是在他们的充分准备下,网上课堂才能不出意外地如期开始。网上的教学虽不像面对面教学那样有针对性,但却出乎意料得理想,学生也马上找到了在网上学习的方法,在这样的状态下,可喜的是学习效率并没有很明显的下降。反之,学校找到了更多的网上学习网站提高作业效率,我可以亲身体会到学习更加有趣有效了。    令我惊讶的是,学校还组织了很多有趣的每周小活动、小挑战和运动量要求,例如小活动就有一些抛卷纸接龙这样的网红小游戏,这些游戏既可维持师生之间的关系,也很可贵地,传播了一种老师们宅在家里的乐观精神。甚至学校的集会,学生老师1对1交谈也正常进行了,宿舍辩论比赛也如期进行,这是惊人的。在中国公立学校学生们忙碌地上着网课时,我们也同样不会松懈。在全球棘手的防疫环境下,希望我们都可以,一起努力一起进步,一起保护好自己,保护好身边的人,等这场战役打赢,再相见吧。

Original English Texts

The silent battle against the Corona Virus is winding down in China, and in many other countries the battle has come into the final stage. Chinese students and workers are returning to their schools and jobs. In Switzerland, too, the first steps towards easing the measures against corona virus are being taken: barber shops, hardware shops, gardening shops, physiotherapy shops, cosmetic and tattoo shops, etc. are reopen. At such a time, I believe that you are also curious about the differences between the measures of overseas schools on COVID-19 and those in China. As a student in Aiglon, Switzerland, let me take you back to Aiglon and tell you what my school did during this period.

As early as the New year festival of the Chinese New Year in 2020, when COVID-19 broke out completely, China took comprehensive measures to seal the city of Wuhan, Hubei province, and promptly control the spread of the disease. At the same time, overseas, we are always concerned about the situation of the corona virus as well. The school is also on high alert. Moreover, during the spring break, the Chinese students who could not return to China were allowed to stay in Switzerland which is safer then. Many volunteer teachers arranged a lot of interesting outdoor activities for us, which made us enjoy the holiday happily. Just over a month ago, during the Easter holidays, when the school had planned to accommodate and take care students from all over the world who could not return because their homeland was in danger, the virus had spread into Switzerland, meaning the school was no longer safe enough to be a refuge for students.

When the students were very panic and anxious, the school held an emergency meeting immediately on the new arrangement, that students can begin to order tickets to fly back home at any time. In such a serious situation, the school allowed students to leave a week ahead of schedule, making parents in their home countries relieved, after all. Because when the virus is all over the world, home is the safest place for their children. When the students leave the school, the whole school is also thoroughly disinfected, to make sure there will be no hygiene issues to worry about when students return to school.

For Chinese students with more serious virus problem in their home country, the school Principal communicated with their parents in all aspects. From the very beginning, the school decided not to cancel the plan for students to stay in the school during the holidays, and accepted the suggestion of hiring a Chinese chef to cook some Chinese food for the students. When Chinese parents decided to book a chartered flight to get all Chinese students back to China, the school provided all necessary assistance. The consistent care of the parents and the consistent understanding of the school are the foundation of all solutions. Unfortunately, even precautions have been taken, a couple of students were still infected on their way back to China. The school contacted the parents as soon as they got the information to inquire about the situation and reported to all the teachers and students truthfully, and provided solutions to make everyone rest assured. Now the infected students are getting better and recovering.

Not long after the holiday, all the teachers started to work. They went back to school, resumed their jobs and began preparing for more challenging online teaching. Thanks to their full preparation the online classes started on time without surprise. Online teaching is not as targeted as face-to-face teaching, but it turned out to be unexpectedly good. Students also immediately found their way to learn online. In such a state, it is gratifying that the learning efficiency is not significantly reduced. On the contrary, the school has found more online learning websites to improve the work efficiency, and I for one can say that online learning is a more interesting and effective experience.

To my surprise, the school also organized a lot of interesting weekly activities, challenges and exercise requirements. For example, there were some popular games such as toilet roll tossing. These games not only maintain the relationship between teachers and students, but more importantly, spread the optimistic spirit of teachers staying at home. Even the school assembly, tutor meeting, and house debate matches were carried out online as scheduled, which was amazing.

In Chinese public schools, students are busy with their online classes, and we don't let up either. In the difficult time of global combating against COVID-19, I hope we can all work and make progress together, protect ourselves together and protect the people around us together. Let’s wait until we win this battle, and we will meet again.

By Fiona from Aiglon





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