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 今天,就来讲讲比较新颖的课程设置吧。首当其冲的,自然是中文。在外国学校还有中文课程?没错!在博索雷,有专门的‘Mother Tongue Language’(母语)。在英语的环境里,也不忘国语的魅力。其次,就是体育。这里的体育课,与国内不同,学生们会随着老师,一起走出校门,探索大自然。我们最近的一个项目是山地自行车,变挡,加速,抑或是超车,风驰电掣的感觉淋漓尽致。

Felix 荣获一项学术降——课堂杰出参与奖,在所有同学面对做了一次极优秀的演讲,给了同学们很好的示范。


 在瑞士的学校,一定要具备的是勇气和自信。体育课上,窗外迷雾茫茫,雨也淅淅沥沥的下着。本以为在学校进行室内活动的我们,被老师的一句:“GO CYCLING!”给惊呆了。于是,我们在外面进行了两个小时的骑车,期间,我们还经过了一片森林,道路与悬崖只有10厘米的距离。最终,还是鼓起勇气,穿过了这片森林,终于回到了学校,我也早已分不清身上的水珠是汗水还是雨水。只是很开心,因为自己做到了。之后的学习生活,也会经历更多新的事物和事情,但我也做好了迎接挑战的准备。‘路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。



English Version


Time flies in a sound of'tick'. Unknowingly, this is the third week that I have come to Beau Soleil. Asa newcomer to join the Beau Soleil family, I didn’t even know where the class was at the beginning. Right now, I can know the ways easily. Teachers and classmates are naturally the best helpers of this change. Now, I can also become integrated with my classmates. The laughter from the school is the best proof.

Today, let's talk about more innovative course settings. The first thing I need talk is naturally Chinese. There are Chinese courses in foreign schools? That's right! In Beau Soleil,there is a special 'Mother Tongue Language'. In the environment of English, the charm of Mandarin is not forgotten. Second, it is  sports. The physical education courses here are different from China. Students will follow the teachers and go out of school to explore nature. One of our most recent projects is mountain biking, shifting gears, accelerating, or overtaking, and the feeling of flying in the air is vivid.

Students of morethan 50 nationalities come together in Beau Soleil to study together and progress together. All corners of the campus have their presence.

On weekends, teachers will take us out to participate in the expedition. The first activity was a 5-hour hiking. At the beginning, the teacher told us that she was actually the first time to go this way. We were instantly surprised. So, in the next five hours. We join the teacher in recognizing the road, going through theforest together, crossing the river, and passing through all the difficult obstacles and eventually reaching the end. At this moment, joy completely submerges tiredness. The second activity was cycling. After the teacher took us to do some warm-ups, we went on the road. Because of the difference in physical strength, the teacher was leading the way and the one behind to ensure oursafety. I have been in the first echelon with the other three classmates. While riding the bike, I also enjoy the views on both sides. Incomparable feeling.

In the Swiss school, the characteristic you must own are courage and confidence. In the physical education class, the window was hazy and the rain was falling. We thought that we will stay inside and do some indoor activities. But we were stunned by the teacher's sentence: "GO CYCLING!" So we went outside for two hours of cycling. During this time, we passed a forest. The distance between the road and the cliff was only 10 cm. In the end, I took the courage to cross the forest and finally returned to school. I couldn’t tell whether the water was sweat or rain. Just happy because I did it.

I know that I will also experience more new things in the study life after, but I am also ready to meet the challenges. The road is so long, I need to explore my own.






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