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D. 高中教育

1. 高级文理中学

1.1 简介


1.2 课程设置




语言(2科)+“社会与经济科学”或“数学与实验科学”(6或5科)+“艺术”(2科)+体育(2科)=11或12科 毕业

1.3 文凭认可


2. 职业高中

2.1 简介




2.2 使命


2.3 课程设置


3. 学徒制

3.1 简介


3.2 进一步深造的机会




E. 高等教育

1. 大学与联邦理工学院



→ 巴塞尔大学、伯尔尼大学、卢塞恩大学、圣加仑大学和苏黎世大学以及瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETHZ)位于瑞士的德语区

→ 日内瓦大学、洛桑大学和纳沙泰尔大学以及瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)位于瑞士的法语区

→ 弗里堡大学位于弗里堡双语区(法语和德语)

→ 提契诺大学(USI)位于讲意大利语的提契诺州


1.1 学士与硕士课程

根据《博洛尼亚宣言》,瑞士大学教育遵循双阶段模式(two-cycle model),即提供本硕连读课程。该宣言允许欧洲大学的学生自由进入其他欧洲大学学习。学士全日制学习的时间一般为三年,硕士全日制学习则需要一年半到两年的时间

1.2 本科录取条件



1.3 硕士录取条件


1.4 博士录取条件


2. 应用科技大学


2.1 学士与硕士课程




2.2 本科录取条件

录取条件详见《联邦大学促进与协调法》(the Federal Law on the Promotion and Coordination of Universities)和《应用科学大学录取条例》(the Ordinance on Admission to Universities of Applied Sciences)

2.3 硕士录取条件


F. 私立教育学生、外国学生录取条件



G. 结语




Original English Text

Swiss Public Schools System II

D. Upper Secondary Education – Post obligatory education

1. Gymnasium

1. Introduction

The goal of the gymnasium is to develop within the students the ability to undertake university studies in any faculty. The aim of the schools is to offer their students the opportunity to acquire a sound basic knowledge and to develop their open-mindedness and capacity for independent judgement. These schools provide a balanced and coherent general education, which gives students the maturity required to undertake higher education and prepares them to assume responsibilities in today's society. The schools simultaneously develop their students' intelligence, will power, ethical and aesthetic sensibility as well as their physical abilities.

1.2 Curriculum

The core subjects, the specific options, the complementary options as well as the maturity thesis make up the whole of the disciplines of the Gymnasium maturity.

At the beginning of their studies, students can choose different fields of studies:

These are the following subjects:

1.3 Certificate recognition

Recognised certificates show that their holders have the necessary general knowledge and skills to undertake university studies. In particular, they give the right of admission to any:

- University

- Federal Institutes of Technology

2. Professional high school

2.1 Introduction

The professional high schools in Switzerland provide a broad general education and an education related to the various tertiary level professional fields for which it prepares students. In addition, the professional high schools emphasise personality development. The curriculum focuses on the development and acquisition of competences, on diversified teaching methods, on appropriate school structures and on professional practice.

The professional high schools prepare for education in the following professional fields:

The subjects related to professional fields prepare students for their future area of study and activity as well as for further training in the tertiary sector.

2.2 Mission

The mission of these professional high schools is:

2.3 Curriculum

3. Apprenticeship

3.1 Introduction

The apprenticeship, the Swiss dual system of vocational education and training allows young people to be trained in a company while attending a vocational school. It offers both quality training and direct access to the labour market, a success factor for the Swiss economy. Depending on the profession, an apprenticeship can last between two to four years. It guarantees a very low unemployment rate among young people who have completed this course.

3.2 Futher opportunities

Those who choose the apprenticeship route can always improve their level of training with additional courses. The career paths are varied and accessible to all. With the professional maturity diploma, it is possible to obtain a Bachelor's degree. These apprentices can therefore reach the same level as university or college students.

However, those who complete an apprenticeship do not necessarily need to continue studying. They can concentrate on the profession they have learned and further their education in specialized schools. These workers are therefore more qualified, have better career prospects and higher wages.

In Switzerland, you can still climb up the ladder thanks to your professional experience, not only thanks to your degree of education.

E. Higher Education

Universities and universities of applied sciences are responsible for education and training, research and development, as well as for providing services to third parties. There are two types of universities in Switzerland:

1. Universities & Federal Institutes of Technology

There are twelve recognised universities in Switzerland: ten cantonal universities and two Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH). Universities are traditional academic universities that are mainly concerned with fundamental research, in contrast to universities of applied sciences, which are mainly oriented towards applied research.

Language of Studies:

→ The universities of Basel, Bern, Lucerne, St. Gallen and Zurich as well as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) are located in the German-speaking part of Switzerland.

→ The universities of Geneva, Lausanne and Neuchâtel as well as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) are located in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

→ The University of Fribourg is located in the bilingual canton of Fribourg (French and German).

→ The Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) in the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino.

Today,  variety of master degrees are available in English in different fields. However bachelor degrees are difficult to find in a non-national language.

1.1 Bachelors and Masters Programs

The education is carried out according to the two-cycle model, with bachelor and master programmes, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration which grants students from European universities free access to other European universities. The duration of full-time studies is generally three years. A further one and a half to two years of full-time study are required for Master's studies.

1.2 Bachelors Admission Conditions

To be admitted to bachelor's studies, the cantonal universities and the Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH) require a Swiss maturity diploma or an equivalent certificate as well as proficiency in the language of study. Each university defines the specific admission requirements.

In Switzerland, admission to all programmes is unrestricted, with a few exceptions (medical studies, chiropractic, certain sports and motor sciences). For courses with an entrance examination, a decision is made each year on the basis of the number of applications as to whether an examination is required. Due to the limited supply of study places, there are special admission requirements for foreign students (non-swiss resident).

1.3 Masters Admission Conditions

Admission to the Master's programme requires a Bachelor's degree. Master's studies can then be started at the same university or at another one. In principle, it is also possible to change direction. Before admitting a candidate, the university may require the acquisition of additional knowledge and skills. The transfer from another type of university to a university is linked to well-defined conditions and additional requirements.

1.4 PhD Admission Conditions

A Master's degree with additional requirements guarantees access to doctoral studies. Admission is the responsibility of the university. Access is also possible with a Master's degree from another type of university, if the scientific qualifications are sufficient.

2. University of Applied Sciences

In addition to traditional universities, Switzerland has a second type of universities. These are the universities of applied sciences, which offer practice-oriented and application-oriented courses of study and provide professional qualifications. They offer practice-oriented bachelor's and master's programmes in various fields as well as a wide range of continuing education opportunities. There are eight regional universities of applied sciences. The universities of applied sciences enable people who have completed their initial vocational training and obtained a vocational maturity diploma to study at a university.

2.1 Bachelors and Masters Programs

Education is provided according to the two-cycle model, with bachelor's and master's programmes, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration. Unlike traditional universities, universities of applied sciences do not offer PhD programmes.

Bachelor's programmes generally lead to a diploma that grants a professional qualification. They give direct access to a professional practice. Studies last three years full-time and four years in employment.

Universities of applied sciences offer master's programmes which follow the bachelor's programme. Master's programmes also impart in-depth, specialised and research-based knowledge and prepare students for a diploma that certifies their higher professional qualification. Studies last up to one and a half years. The range of master's programmes is limited as the bachelor's degree, which qualifies students for a profession, is still the standard at universities of applied sciences.

2.2 Bachelors Admission Conditions

The admission requirements are regulated by the Federal Law on the Promotion and Coordination of Universities and by the Ordinance on Admission to Universities of Applied Sciences.

2.3 Masters Admission Conditions

Admission to the Master's programme requires a Bachelor's degree in the same field of study or an equivalent degree from a university. Universities of applied sciences may set additional requirements.

F. Admission from Private Education/Foreign Countries

Admission and recognition from private education and foreign countries are subject to specific requirements. It must be explicitly pointed out that in each case the admission requirements of the universities precede the country assessments.

The country assessments provide information as to which upper secondary graduating certificates from which countries and under which conditions entitle the students to be admitted to the different Swiss universities. These assessments are for first-year students only. Further information is provided by the university concerned.

G. Conclusion

Thanks to the diverse opportunities within the Swiss education system, it can be distinguished by two characteristics:

Although it may seem very complex, it is a well organised system that might require some reflexion over it. By choosing the  Swiss Public Education, you will provide “open doors” to a wide range of opportunities for your children’s education.

If you have any questions, we have many Swiss experts that have first-hand experience with the Swiss education system that can provide you with all the answers to your questions. Thanks to our first hand experience, we will be able to guide your children on the best path for their studies and future career.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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