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       2020年是一个让大家有着非凡经历的一年, 令人揪心的一年,同时这一年应该是会令许多人终生难忘的一年。新年伊始新冠肺炎病毒爆发, 至今全球已有二百多万人感染。二月中国国内武汉封城, 当国内疫情基本得到控制;无独有偶,国外疫情又开始爆发。3月14日,瑞士也通知停课,我和大多数中国留学生一样决定回国, 3月15日,我踏上了坎坷的返乡路,临行前室友送来的口罩, 莱蒙学校发送的爱心医疗包,这些暖暖的物品守护着在回国路上的我。


       回国后就开始了我的十四天酒店隔离生活,坐在屋内看外面阳光灿烂、车水马龙,耳听雁塔晨钟, 却不能浏览古城盛景。但心里却又安慰自己说:”毕竟非常安全的抵达到了我的家乡。”学校早早就设置好了软件,我们可以登录软件来看老师布置了什么学习任务。老师很关心我们,每天在和我们沟通学习的同时,还经常会询问我们的健康和近况。我们亲爱的舍监为了方便和我沟通,还专门注册了中国的聊天软件——微信, 每天我们像朋友一样在微信上沟通聊天, 她对我的心情和健康都十分关注, 嘘寒问暖让我感觉十分亲切,虽然并没有分开太久,但是我觉得甚是想念我的舍监了。



       数学课老师是一个非常可爱的老师,他总是喜欢用视频给我们边上课边聊天, 鼓励我们做PPT来给其他同学上课。每次我进入直播间,他都会用非常风趣的声音说:“哇,我们远在中国的朋友来到我们的网络课堂啦。”我很开心能拥有一个这样正能量的好老师,同时我也爱上了网课,因为上网课可以看回放,有些地方不是很懂的,可以重新再看一遍, 再看两遍,直至弄明白。

       美术课老师给我们留的绘画主题是“社会问题”, 让我们关注该话题而改变一些生活方式。我很喜欢这种自主灵活的课业方式,查阅资料后通过思考画出自己的作品,学习需要这种独立思辨能力,不只是要求临摹作品。


       文学课老师让我们读福尔摩斯的书, 让我们推理、判断、甚至去破案。在读书练笔的过程中我学到很多推理的知识,我们做的每一项作业老师都会非常详细的给我们做批注与讲解。一开始我的网络总是连接不上, 老师还贴心地发了邮件给我解释作业的内容,非常感谢文学课老师的耐心及细致入微。这会更加激发我对这本课程的求知精神。

       经济商务课老师每天都会在我们的网站Itslearning中督促我们坚持上网络课, 并且要求我们做关于主题为: 联合国目标的PPT.我选择的主题是关于妇女应有的权益, 在做的过程中我查阅了大量的资料,学到了很多课本上都没有的知识。这拓阔了我的现有知识面,也是一个自我认知和不断进步的过程。

       地理课老师总会用我们非常熟悉的showbie软件鼓励我们, 让我们更有学习的动力。


       日子在老师的关怀下愉快的度过,但是在酒店隔离的第5天, 我得到校长的邮件说学校有两位同学确诊了新冠肺炎。这对我来说简直是晴天霹雳,因为我应该是一位“密切接触者”,我主动提出要去医院检查,血常规、CT、三次核酸……,逐项排查。我在医院病房辗转徘徊48小时后, 结果出来了: Norah一切正常。 医院和卫建委的工作人员告诉我一切正常, 我是健康的, 我紧张的心情一下舒缓了下来。非常感谢医护人员和抗疫工作者,在这些天给予我无微不至的关心,这些天我有点受宠若惊了,这么多人帮助我。我马上就把这个消息告诉了我的舍监老师, 舍监老师知道后非常高兴,并帮助我给各科老师发了邮件来解释我这48小时没有正常上课的原因。


       在这次百年不遇的灾难面前,或许世界正在改变着它的运转方式, 这是一个让人终生难忘的经历。隔离期间的思考和学习让我们快速冷静下来, 帮助我们成为一个更有内涵和情商更高的人。疫情期间几乎改变了所有人的生活和出行的方式, 也改变了我们的思维方式。对大家来说是一个更加了解自己的机会,更清楚自己最需要的是什么。思考自己生活的意义和以怎样的态度去面对生活。我们可以做的就是提高自己的能力, 学习更多的知识和生活技能来适应突发的各种危机。疫情并不可怕,疫情也总会过去,待到山花烂漫时,让我们拥抱生活, 拥抱美丽, 希望我们可以尽快回到校园,和亲爱的老师、同学们再次相聚!

Original English Texts

The year 2020 has been an extraordinary and heart-wrenching year that I think many people will never forget. The outbreak of COVID-19 has infected more than 2 million people worldwide at the beginning of this year. In February, Wuhan was lockdown then the new coronavirus epidemic starts to slow down, but it spread abroad again. On March 14th, the Swiss government announced the suspension of classes, so I decided to return to China with other Chinese students. On March 15th, we were on our way home. The masks my roommate brought me before I left and the medical package the school sent me with hand sanitizers and disposable gloves were really helpful on my way back to China.

After returning to China, I began my 14-day quarantine at the hotel. I sat in the room and watched the sunshine and traffic outside. I listened to the morning bell of the pagoda, but I can't wander about my city. Fortunately, I arrived in my hometown very safely after all.

The school already set up the software, we can log in to see what the teacher assigned to study. The teacher is very concerned about us. We communicate and study every day. The teachers often ask about our health and recent situation. In order to communicate with me, my house parents also registered for WeChat. We chat as friends every day. She cares about my mood and health which makes me feel very warm. Although I haven't been separated from her for long, I already start to miss her.

The days of quarantine should have been boring, but I was busy with my studies because my teachers were very responsible, patient, and interesting. My teachers all have their own teaching skills to make me fell in love with learning.

The math teacher is a very lovely teacher. He likes to use online classes to teach us while chatting. He encourages us to make our own PPT to teach other classmates. Every time I entered the class, he would say happily, "Wow, our friends far away from China have come to our online classes." I am very happy to have a teacher with such positive energy. At the same time, I really like the online classes, because the online class can watch the replay. If you find something that you do not very understand, you can watch it again.

The art teacher left us a painting named "social issues", let us pay attention to social problems, and think about the way we are living. I like this kind of art homework. I looked up through the internet and chose what do I want to draw, instead of just copying.

The English teacher always sends videos with annotations to explain what exactly we need to do, it makes us understand her request clearly. When I have a clear goal, I can present myself better.

The literature teacher told us to read Holmes’s books and to think, judge, and even solve crimes. In the process of reading and writing, I learned a lot. The teacher gave detailed feedback to each of our homework. At first, I couldn't connect to the Internet, so she sent me emails explaining the assignment. I really appreciate my literature teacher's patience and carefulness.

The economics and business teacher urged us to stick to the online class on our website—— Itsleanig every day and ask us to make a PPT about the UN goals. The theme I chose was about gender equality. In the process of doing this, I looked up on the internet and learned a lot of knowledge that I cannot found in textbooks.

The geography teacher always uses the software called Showbie which we are very familiar with. She often encourages us, let us have more motivation to learn.

The days passed happily under the care of the teachers. However, after being quarantined in the hotel for the fifth day, I got an email from the school saying that two students became COVID-19 confirmed cases. It scared me because I should be a "close contact", I went to the hospital for a test: blood routine, CT, and nucleic acid......I am hanging around and waiting in the hospital for 48 hours. Finally, the result came out: Norah is healthy. The doctor and the health construction commission told me that everything was normal. I am very grateful to the medical staff and epidemic prevention staff for their meticulous care these days. I told the news to my house parents immediately, who was very happy to hear it and helped me to send an email to all the teachers to explain the reason why I didn't attend class in the past 48 hours.

In this once-in-a-century natural disaster, the way the world is changing is an experience that will last a lifetime. Thinking and learning during quarantine allow us to calm down quickly and helps us become a more thoughtful and emotionally intelligent person. It changed the way almost everyone lives and travels, also it changed the way we think. It's an opportunity for everyone to learn more about themselves and what they really want. Think about the meaning of your life and your different ways of living. We can do to adapt to sudden crises is to improve our ability to learn more knowledge and life skills. The COVID-19 will be in the past, so we do not need to be panic. We are confident that we can effectively contain the epidemic and finally overcome it. Let us embrace life, embrace beauty, let us return to the campus as soon as possible, and meet my dear teachers and friends.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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