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       我是Fiona,一名Aiglon College的新生。与大部分人不同,作为一个来自公立学校的学生,对只听闻却从未见识过的国际学校几乎一无所知。在来瑞士之前就曾幻想与期待,别人所说的国外的室外学习,在大自然中成长,是什么样的体验。所以,我对国际学校向来充满了好奇心,想好好感受。


       追溯到两年之前的访校那天,来到Aiglon,逛了一圈父亲就对我说,在这样学校待着,我的运动量一定会飞涨。起初我还半信不疑,总觉得国外的运动量怎能跟国内学校的体育中考训练相比?对于身经百炼的我这些都不算事。带着对学校本身的喜爱和好奇,我便义无反顾地选择了Aiglon。就在去年,我来到了这里。与两年前不同,这次我不再是一位访校的外人。作为一个真正属于这个学校的学生,Aiglon给我带来的样貌变得完全不同,令我惊喜也令我恍然大悟的,是这些学校的闪光点:Global Services, 强大的Music Programs, 特殊的Mark Reading体系,Aiglon Challenge和Expedition。其中最令我印象深刻的就是Expedition,远征活动。







       我认为,Aiglon是在培养每个学生勇于挑战自己的态度,同时又用Expedition给学生们提供了大自然这样的学习平台,在学习中挑战自己就是Aiglon College给我的内容。





Original English Texts

I'm Fiona, new student in aiglon college. Unlike most people, me as a public school student knows almost nothing about an international school that I've only heard of some but never seen. Before I came to Switzerland, I had imagined and expected what it would be like to study abroad and study in nature. Therefore, I have always been full of curiosity about international schools.

On the day of my visit to aiglon two years ago, my father told me that if I stayed in such a school, I would probably do twice as much exercise as I do now.  At first, I doubted it, how can the amount of exercise in foreign country school compare to the domestic school sports test training? None of this matters at all,  I thought naively. With the love and curiosity for the school itself, I chose aiglon without hesitation.

Last year, I came to aiglon.  Unlike two years ago, I was no longer a visitor of this school. As a student who truly belongs to this school, aiglon brought me a totally different look.  The school has many learning programs that attracted me: Global services, powerful Music programs, special mark reading system, aiglon challenge and expedition. Which impressed me the most was expedition.

The five principle of learning of aiglon are responsibility, service, respect, diversity and challenge. Among them, expedition is a great demonstration of the school's emphasis on the challenge, service and other concepts.

The first time I participated in the expedition, was hard but valuable for me. I never imagined that I could climb a mountain in four hours, or survive safely or even comfortably in a forest without helpings ... From carrying a massive expedition bag in the early morning for expedition to collapse their pack, walking to the mountain. All the way to climbing, tired to tired out and be extremely exhausted. To the moment of joy, and decided to embark on a new journey. To camping, put on our own tents, to cook, and make campfire... There are countless challenges waiting for me in a single day, but I am always looking forward to it. Especially when climbing a mountain, the slope of the mountain can hardly be climbed without kneeling down. I tried my best, but there were many people who still tried as hard as I did. All the way to the destination. Obviously, it was exhausted, but when I heard that I could choose to challenge to get to the top. I do not know what pushed me to want to challenge again. As if I had really begun to enjoy this tired and enjoyable experience .

That experience gave me too many insights, and I seemed to understand completely after that day,  that why many people said that aiglon cultivated independent and self-reliant people. In every expedition, no one gave up, no one wanted to loaf on the job. When I find myself doing my best with everyone, I understand why everyone wins at aiglon. Because all of us are willing to work hard and sweat to make a better birth of our own. All of us are not afraid of hard work and injustice, and know that it is the right thing to do, all of us are willing to work hard for ourselves and others in the team. So I and the people around me are making progress together.

In my opinion, aiglon aims to cultivate the attitude of each student to dare to challenge themselves. At the same time, it provides a learning platform like nature for students with expedition. In conclusion,  challenging myself in learning is what aiglon College gives me.

By Fiona

Aiglon College

March 2020




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